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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Chocolate Covered Strawberries - Make Them Or Buy Them?

By Gordon Granby

Spending a little time to whip up some chocolate covered strawberries is a fun way to spend part of a morning or afternoon. There's so many ways to do it and there's no wrong way. You can keep it simple or go crazy with a variety of toppings and items to roll the berries in and add extra flavor. Now if you don't have the time right now to do it, you can also order them quite easily. A number of companies are doing fun varieties of chocolate dipping with strawberries.

To get the health benefits from the real chocolate, it needs to be of good quality. Some companies add a number of preservatives, additives, and bad fats to make their ingredient price cheaper and profit higher. So be sure to review the ingredient list from a company or store that you are checking out. Don't be hesitant to ask them if they use a lot of fillers besides the chocolate. You or someone you know is going to be eating it, so take the responsibility and ask.

I don't know what your level of enjoyment is with different brands of chocolate, but let me share something that's probably not a big surprise. The better the ingredients, the better the final product. It just is that simple. The culinary knowledge and execution has to be there too. But it's like the old adage about dressing up a've got to look beneath the surface and check the ingredients.

Some companies may go less on the chocolate to save some money. Let's also hope they use a good strawberry to begin with. And think about the volume of strawberries covered with chocolate made every day. A one half inch reduction in chocolate coating makes a big difference in volume of chocolate used. Others take the chocolate more near the top and cover everything but the stem. That means more chocolate for you to eat. So there's one big difference in styles right there.

If you're shipping the chocolate strawberries when it's hot outside, or if it's going to someone in a humid and hot place, shipping details are very important. How many ice packs will be used to make sure the package stays chilled? Will insulated containers be adequate? Will dry ice also be used if requested? Does the company offer money-back policies if the package is not in satisfactory condition (i.e. melted and inedible) when received?

Did other customers give nice reviews of the store or company? Or were they not impressed by one aspect of the purchase process? True, this isn't a large or really important purchase like buying something of great value. But you still want to get it right the first time! And personal experience is the best way to find out naturally.You may even decide to get out the kitchen pots and cookie sheets and setup a weekend afternoon to make some chocolate covered strawberries for your own enjoyment! - 17268

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