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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Oprah on the Acai Berry

By Casandra James

As the talk shows & media are discussing weight loss & other health issues in detail, acai berry is catching up fame among the dieters. Dr. Nicholas Perricone, the renowned dermatologist has ranked acai berry on the top of his list of top 10 super foods. Along with the other experts, he has prescribed this diet to 'media queen' Oprah Winfrey who now weighs 200 pounds. Besides Oprah, Rachel Ray the known cook also recommended this diet supplement on her show. Her guest on the show explaining the benefits of acai were Dr. Perricone & cardiac surgeon, Dr. Mehmet Oz.

In an attempt to ride on the good comments Oprah and Rachael Ray have said about Acai Burn, diet scam artists have sprawled the internet for victims. It's all over the internet so you should really be careful when choosing the right place to buy Acai Berry products.

If you have been training hard and eating right and haven't seen the results you want after a few weeks then you may be a candidate for using a diet pill. If you have cheated part of that equation then you are definitely not a candidate for using a diet pill. Get back in the gym, handle your diet then come back.

If you still need some help after getting back on track (or after training hard) then AcaiBurn can help you. The pill of course if based off the acai berry which is a natural berry that grows in South America. The pill is better than grocery store diet pills because the over the counter pills are appetite suppressants and don't actually help you burn calories. This results in binge eating once you are off the pills. With a acai pill, you burn calories and feel more energetic for workouts. All that helps lose weight.

Acai Berry is only found in the Amazonian rainforest and is very hard to export overseas. This is the main reason why the bulk of Acai Berry marketing is done over the internet. There are only a few sites that offer real and genuine Acai products. - 17268

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