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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Does Oprah Endorse The Acai Berry?

By Carter Sinclair

On the basin of the Amazon river you will find many ordinary looking palm trees. However, these trees are very special because they are the birth place of the acai berry. This small berry is known as a "superfood" because of all the amazing health benefits those who take it receive.

One of the main benefits of the acai berry is its outstanding levels of antioxidants. Antioxidants help fight off harmful free radicals, which attempt to destroy many of the cells in our bodies. This means it counteracts the signs of aging while improving our immune systems.

Dr. Nicholas Perricone, MD has concentrated his dermatology practice in conducting studies on food and other natural products that give the maximum of benefits to the skin and the body. In his most recent publication called the Perricone Promise, he has highlighted a super food called the acai berry that has caught the attention of many.

After this amazing revelation Oprah Winfrey rushed to feature Dr. Perricone on an episode of her show. On Oprah he showed why the acai berry was ranked as the #1 superfood in the world. It was also featured on CNN, NBC, Men's Health, Vouge, and the London Times.

When he appeared on Oprah, Dr. Perricone listed his top ten superfoods for anti-aging, and obviously he listed the acai fruit at the very top. He went on to explain that the high levels of antioxidants is one of the main reasons why acai is such a powerful weapon against the signs of aging.

After that appearance on the Oprah show, some shady marketers started using Oprah's name and likeness to promote their acai berry products. What they did was twist this simple appearance and make it look like she was actually promoting their product.

So, while Oprah used her show to raise awareness of the benefits of real, pure, and high quality acai products, she has not yet put her stamp of approval on any specific acai berry product.

As such, do not be misled by this faulty information. Acai berry really is an incredibly potent health product but you should beware of anyone promoting a product falsely trying to bank off of Oprah's credibility. Thus, the answer to this question is very complicated. Oprah Winfrey is not an official endorser of any acai product, but she has made a point to let the world know how special this fruit really is. - 17268

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