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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Folklore of the Amazing Acai Berry

By Caitin Ryan

Do you want to look younger? Improve your overall health? Stop looking in the cosmetic department and start looking toward the Brazilian rainforest. No worries! You do not have to travel to this remote region to benefit from the latest scientific discovery: The Amazing Acai Berry!

To the natives in the region, acai (pronounced Ah-SIGH-ee) berries are nothing new. They have known about the amazing benefits of this beautiful purple berry that grows on a palm tree for centuries.

Folklore tells the tale of an Amazon Indian girl named Iaca whose father was the tribal chief. The tribe had become too large and soon, there was not enough food to feed everyone. The tribal chief ordered that any child born needed to be sacrificed. His daughter was the first to give birth after this decree, but the chief showed no mercy for the sake of the whole tribe.

Iaca desperately mourned her child. One night, she thought she heard the cries of her baby. She ran in the rainforest to where she thought she heard the cries, but she only found a new palm tree. She lay under the tree and died from a broken heart.

When the villagers discovered her, they also discovered the palm, which bore berries plentiful enough to feed and sustain the entire village. The tribal chief was able to lift the decree and named the berries Acai berries after his dead daughter. Acai is Iaca spelled backward.

Clever story, but the truth behind acai berries is just now being realized. Scientists are finding that acai berries just might be the most potent fruit available because they contain super antioxidants, essential amino acids and omega 3 fatty acids.

Anthocyanin is the super antioxidant that gives the acai berry its gorgeous royal purple color. It is also known for its ability to slow or stop tumor growth in laboratory studies. Though all antioxidants are capable of fighting free radicals and the damage they incur thus preventing cancer, anthocyanin is more powerful than most.

Free radical damage is also responsible for the aging process, so acai berries are capable of fighting premature aging at the cellular level.

Animal protein contains a complete balance of essential amino acids, but plants do not. Acai berries, however, contain a nearly complete blend of essential amino acids making them a potent protein source without the saturated fat contained in animal protein.

Acai berries do not contain saturated fat, but they do contain the good fat, omega 3 fatty acids which can lower LDL (bad cholesterol)and raise HDL (good cholesterol) making them excellent (just like fish) in preventing cardiovascular disease.

Acai berries are simply the most remarkable fruit that we know about at this time. Acai berries can slow the aging process, prevent disease and simply improve your overall health! They are delicious and fantastic for smoothies. They are also available in other forms such as supplements and powder.

Acai berry juice lines the supermarket shelves with its growing popularity, but make sure you do not fall prey to these corn syrup juices. - 17268

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