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Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Health Benefits of Mangosteen

By Ed Fallows

The mangosteen fruit grows on a tropical evergreen tree that is native to the Sundra Islands an the Moluccas of Indonesia. The tree grows very high, 80 feet or more in certain areas. The purple fruit that is produced by this tree is edible, sometimes compared in taste to a tangy peach or apricot, and sometimes compared to a very sweet peach. The qualities of this fruit are legendary when it comes to healing and health benefits. The rind is sometimes tough to get through, but will soften as the fruit becomes ripe.

There are many 'superfruits' being talked about today. Mangosteen is at the top of the list, however the nutritional value of this fruit doesn't at first appear to match up to what some health officials determine to be a superfruit. It contains 18 grams of carbohydrates, 1.8 grams of diet fiber, .6 grams of fat, .4 grams of protein and 81 grams of water.

Due to the mass being mainly water, this fruit would fit perfectly in the diet of anyone who is considering weight loss or just wants to maintain the weight they are at now. Recent research has disclosed that mangosteen is very high in Xanthones which are powerful antioxidants. There are only 200 Xanthones known to science and somehow mangosteen contains 40 of them. That is an extremely large amount for any known fruit or vegetable to contain.

Xanthones go through our body destroying free radicals that can make us very unhealthy. Alpha-mangostin, gama-mangostin, garcinone, beta-mangostin, garcinone, Gardiner-d and a, garcinone-c, mangostanol and gartanin are just a sampling of the Xanthones that mangosteen contains. All of these Xanthones have properties that prevent inflammation, tumors, allergies, convulsions and platelet balancing problems. The other antioxidants not listed can contain the same properties as these, among other beneficial properties.

The sweet syrupy juice from this fruit is sold as a healthy drink, however there have been cases of harmful acidosis reported by a few individuals who have consumed large quantities of this juice. Health officials warn against consuming large amounts of the liquid from this fruit, as the juice is considered to have a very effective cleansing power in our systems.

Western countries can carry the product in a few different ways. You can find mangosteen in frozen or canned and sometimes liquid form in a few western markets. Mangosteen and other Southeast-Asian fruits have been banned from being imported to North America, (Because of harmful insects) but a few years ago the Puerto Rican farmers have started growing them for us so you might expect to see some in your local produce section and perhaps health food stores soon. - 17268

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