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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Milk: Humans Must Drink It

By Borgon Trocepticlon

After the birth of a baby, milk is his first basic need and nourishment. Milk has been the best pal of human and the crux of his existence. The Creator of this world gave milk such dire importance as to make it the only fuel of the body for at least the first year of a human's life. Milk plays a fundamental part as the calcium compound in it is solicited to develop the bones of the body. If sufficient milk is taken from childhood to adulthood, osteoporosis, a prostrating disease of the bones, can be prevented.

Milk has innumerable benefits. It gives a beautiful glow to the skin, strengthens the immune system, diminishes the risks of colon and breast cancer and keeps the teeth and gums healthy. Research has proven that acid effects from the foods can be lessened by drinking milk between the meals as milk contains protein casein which safeguards the phosphate and the calcium of the teeth's enamel remain unharmed.

It is a customary belief in many countries that regular intake of milk promotes obesity. But studies have surprised the people by providing a very opposite theory. It is researched that milk has a very low amount of fat in it. More surprisingly, only 3% of fat is found even in high fat milk. Milk shapes the body by making it leaner and trimmer. A visible difference can be noted in people who consume milk everyday and in those who do not take it often. Milk helps in shedding weight especially from the abdomen area and it goes well with diet plans and weight reduction programs.

To continue the list of health advantages of milk, milk is also essential in the hydration of the body. A dehydrated body causes a lack of concentration and poor memory function. You have always heard that our body requires 6-8 glasses of water a day to remain hydrated. But including 1 or 2 glasses of milk a day not only replenishes the body of its fluids but gives instant energy to the body. You can experiment with it after a good hour of exercise.

The potassium and magnesium in milk improve cardiac function and shield the body from cardiovascular diseases. Calcium found in milk controls the level of cholesterol in the blood and prevents the absorption of harmful fats.

High blood pressure is kept in constant check by consuming milk. The recommended diet plan includes five portions of fruits and vegetables, two portions of milk and other dairy products and a very small quantity of foods rich in salt. This plan promotes the wellness of the body. If blood pressure is kept in control, the quality of heart function improves and lifespan increases.

Drinking milk regularly also prevents life-threatening and crippling diabetes. Milk acts as the blood regulator, keeping the level of sugar in the blood on the safe point. In addition to all this, milk also has cleansing and antimicrobial properties. This makes it a useful ingredient in cleansing procedure and beauty enhancement.

Even the field of vision is not left untouched by milk. For crystal-clear vision and perfect eyesight, milk is necessary to be incorporated in one's diet. The count of red blood cells increases and the nervous system is also upgraded. To sum it up, milk has innumerable health benefits and almost no downsides. - 17268

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