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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Medicate Your Child's Simple Cold? Think Again.

By Ellen Valentine, CNC

I've always thought it curious that some parents feel the need to run to the doctor with their child every time the baby coughs or gets a bump. The common thing is that these are the children always sick, always running a "fever".

Its because antibiotics strip the body of a very necessary array of intestinal flora that help the body digest, stay balanced, keep candida yeast in check, and in general stay alive. So what will be the outcome for children targeted over and over again for antibiotics, steroids or other medications that will ruin intestinal function?

Think of how that child feels even when people tell them they are all better. They can't tell a parent that food makes their tummy hurt or that they cannot go to the bathroom even when they feel the need, that eating gives them a headache. They may not have terms to explain those complaints but their world will become that reality without healthy change. All this for the simple fact that medication is destroying their tiny digestive system. They will live a life of doctor's visits, runny noses, constipation, recurring coughs, recurring bad skin, tummy aches, etc. There is a solution.

Colds and Flu are a message to take a break, even for children. And quite frankly, children today have a lot of pressure. Medications only suppress symptoms, they do not cure. Medication does not get to the root of illness, it simply puts a bandaid on a very deep wound. On occasion, medicines are needed but not for every cough and sniffle. Break out the homeopathic remedies, vitamin C, fresh fruit juices and herbal teas. Unless you have a very ill child, a cold or flu will not kill that child. Have faith in the healing intelligence of the body.

Fevers with the young and old should never run too high; and yet the body burns out infection and disease with a fever. If a fever is always suppressed, what message does that give to the body? Let a fever run it's course was an old saying that quite possibly sounds like grounds for jail time now; however, parents must realize that the body actually knows what it is doing far better than we can understand. It has an Internal and High Intelligence that can turn the tide even in near death situations, and often does.

No one but a parent can make the decision between getting to an ER or letting a fever burn itself out; however, vigilance and conscious care should alert when enough is enough in the natural healing arena.

Vitamin C, maybe Ginger, Chamomile or Dandelion & Echinacea tea with stevia or honey will soothe and assist the body to do its job. Sometimes recurring symptoms are a cry for love and attention so give it when a child is sick and again when theyre well. Fresh, hand squeezed, or organic bottled juices are the best thing for sick children. Rest is imperative, and if I can go on record, even from computers and televisions at close range. Those transmissions at close range are detrimental to the immune system.

Fresh herbal oils and castor oil packs are soothing remedies for sick bodies. In case you feel the trip to the doctor's office is imperative, and in case of a fever, try to get the fever down before you sit in a waiting room, quite possibly for a couple of hours. Your tub with cool water is only steps away. Having covered some warm and cozy alternatives to the habitual running to a doctors office, lets go back to reminders why we want to have the courage to teach children how great their body is designed.

Fortify your home today, before illness appears. Make it an arsenal, so to speak, of healthy feel good remedies that stregthen the body's immune defenses: echinacea, goldenseal, dandelion, vitamin C (always) herbal teas for children, tuck away organic bottled juice (if you don't juice yourself) and make homemade soups. Help you child feel their own inner strength and realize the healing capabiities of their body early in life. They will have a healthy intestinal tract and good digestion. They will grow to confident adults.

Every child is different. Some have more energy, others inquisitive, creative, inventive, and then some may be ill. Building the system with fresh fruits and vegetables, getting the mineral and enzyme count up, will help immeasurably. Remember that medication destroys the integrity of the intestinal tract to absorb nutrients and after continued use the child is more depleted and now has candida yeast overgrowth and compromised gut or leaky bowel syndrome. So, if they must be on medication to live, continue your quest for their recovery naturally also.

As every child is unique, every instance is different. If you have a child that needs medications to stay alive then make sure they get probiotics, vitamins and minerals. So often it is the letting go of harmful habits which make the biggest difference. Help your child stay addiction free from: sugars, soda, simpe carbohydrates with no nutritional value, like chips, fries, etc. Remember that everything in nature is colorful, not white. Anything white is dead. So throw out all your white sugars, flours, breads. You'll feel great about it! And, you'll raise a family of champions.

I am a Nutritionist and Naturopath but I have taken my children and myself to the doctor, only when necessary and not that often. Being balanced is the key. Doctors are necessary and so is thoughtful self care.

Stay healthy. Ellen Valentine, NC - 17268

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