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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Nutrition - Dead or Alive?

By James Redder

You would think that given the proliferation of information about health and wellness available today that you and everyone else for that matter would have found a way of remaining healthy and in shape. We all know that this is of course not the case. So why aren't we in better shape? The truth is most of us know very little about how the body actually works. If people were aware of how to put all of this information about health into practice effectively, we'd all be healthier.

Studies Indicate

All the research indicates that we as a nation are largely ignorant about health and fitness. Medicine, nutrition and the entire general subject of health are something of a terra incognita for most Americans. This is largely because much of the information out there about health is presented in such a way that it is difficult for the average person to grasp and retain. What we don't know about health is quite literally killing us; a great deal of the illnesses afflicting people are due to unhealthy behavior or the failure to manage emotional and mental health. If more information could be given to people in away that made sense to them immediately, a lot of lives could be saved and better health achieved overall.

Not participating in unhealthy behaviors would seem to be the quickest easiest way to consistent wellness. This assumes an individual is aware of harmful versus healthy behaviors. Without sufficient information being available and understood this isn't always the case. What we can draw from this is the fact that we need more anatomy and health information.

World Wide Web Research

The big question here would be: are we really trying to get solid information about health? The web should make it possible for anyone with an internet connection to gain access to good information about health. More than half of American households have internet access, which means most Americans do in fact have ready access to a wide array of sources for information on anatomy and health.

The problem with a lot of health education is that it is posed in such a way that it is difficult to understand. However, many websites take a better approach and present the workings of the human body in a way that makes these natural processes readily apprehensible and memorable: animation. Being able to actually see how the body works immediately fosters greater understanding of how our habits really affect us. Many people remain unaware of the existence of such sources however; if they were aware of them, better health practices would surely follow. These sorts of materials are the same as used by medical students as they learn the intricacies of human anatomy.

The central idea behind the endocrine system of the body and the hormones they release influence almost every cell, organ, and function of the body. An illustration of some of the basic concepts about how this system works and how it interacts with some of the other major systems of the body would only lead to a greater understanding of the body's operations. In today's rising rates of illness such an understanding would lead to better stress management and having a basic understanding of the endocrine system will assist in maintaining a healthy body.

In Closing

Mining or attaining health and wellness is not difficult but tedious. But even before you can start along that path or maintain your current healthy path you have to have some understanding of what to do, what not to do and when to do it. This will require an understanding of how the different systems within our body interact, a basic understanding of the human anatomy and some information on how to use this information effective. Our goal should be to stay out of the hospital and learn the habits that will allow us the highest level of wellness and health. out of the hospital. - 17268

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