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Monday, March 2, 2009

Review for the Sanyo DR6700K Massage Chair Recliner

By Steve Esquire

This is a product review of the high end Sanyo DR-6700 massage chair. Sanyo boasts a full line of massage chairs. The DR-6700 is the model just below the DR7700 which is the top of the line model for Sanyo. We will evaluate some of the advanced electronic features and massage functions of the DR 6700. Here is our evaluation of the Sanyo DR6700 massage chair recliner.

We will start with the warranty coverage. We always advise to go with a recognized massage chair brand. These national brands will have adequate warranty coverage and will be quick and responsive if an issue were to arise. You do not want a no-name brand that then does not stock parts and provides poor service, if at all.

So what is the warranty coverage for the Sanyo HEC-DR6700 massage chair? Sanyo makes it easy, since they offer the same warranty on all chairs. That is good for their low end chairs but less sufficient for their higher end models. There warranty is 3 years on the roller mechanism, 1 year parts and labor, and 1 year in home technician service. The 1 year parts and labor is a bit cheap for a high end chair, but the 1 year in home service is

The Sanyo 6700 is equipped with automatic programs that run the entire massage functions of the chair. These start at the touch of a button. There are 4 of these programs. Each of them targets certain situations of which they are named. The categories they have labeled are Stiffness, Fine, Relax and Recovery.

Additionally, the Sanyo chair is armed with manual massage techniques. These can be used to target specific symptoms or areas of the body for relief. One of massage techniques for instance is called Grip. The Grip massage treatment uses a gripping action that can soothe and relieve tired and sore muscles. This type of massage is particularly effective for the shoulder and neck areas.

When in manual mode, you can select many different options to suit your needs at that moment. You can adjust the intensity of the massage to be more or less penetrating. You can adjust the width of the rollers for certain manual massages. This lets you get more around the spine or you can get a wider coverage to get the shoulders.

Another great set of functions has to do where you can select the area of the back to be massaged. This is known as manual massage courses. These courses focus on a particular region of the back, like the lower back. Just select the manual massage technique and then the area you want it to focus. The massage then will use that technique in the area selected for the amount of time shown on the timer.

One of the interesting electronic features put into the Sanyo Dr-6700 is called the Stiffness Detector. The Stiffness Detector measures your perspiration level and monitors your pulse rate, but it doesn't check if you are lying! The information is then read by the on-board computer and the massage program will target areas of higher tension.

Need a good lower body massage? This Sanyo model comes equipped with an air compression massage system for the lower body. A compression massage uses a squeezing action to relieve tired, aching muscles. The air compression massage targets the legs, calves and feet. They have also integrated a heater to warm the bottoms of your feet.

The DR-6700 massage chair has some very nice features to compliment its massage therapy. The stiffness detector is certainly unique, but actually pretty effective. Good thing it doesn't ask you questions! The manual massage treatments like the Grip massage are fabulous. We do like the automatic programs that Sanyo has developed. We wish the labor for the warranty coverage was a little longer. Overall, this is a solid massage chair that can meet your long term massage therapy needs. - 17268

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