Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Secrets of Build Muscle Faster in Just Weeks

By Allen Brian

95% of human being is impatient. This is also true to those who want to build their body. A lot of people are dying for the secrets of how to build muscle faster, here is some thing for you and you will get results within weeks.

The very first thing you know while you get started build you muscle is not to do many workouts. Many people think that the harder workout exercise (reps, liftings and weights) they do, the greater results they will get. That is totally incorrect.

Building muscles requires a specific method, and overexertion of the muscles will not make it go any quicker. Damaging and straining muscles can cause you to miss out on weeks or months of working out because the muscle will have to recover. It is impossible for you to build muscle if you are recovering on your back.

While doing weight lifting working out, remember not to lift over 70 to 80 % of your maximum strength. The damaged muscle will repair itself. And the more muscle damaged, the more muscle will be added when it repairs. And 70 to 80% is the good muscle damage point for this purpose. Finishing workout exercise within one hour is what we called fast muscle building. It cause accumulated lactic acid in body and hurts your muscle building process.

Aerobics No More

Aerobics are good for cardio. But they have nothing good for muscle building. They can actually interfere with your attempts to build muscle.

The More Meat and Fish Are Better

Intake mass fish and lean red meats. Such as, salmon that contains high amounts of Omega-3. In order to grow more muscle, you need the protein in lean red meats.

Get Plenty of Rest.

A full day rest is needed after a day of weight lifting. That means one-day workout, the other day rest. And so on and so on. Many body builders will work certain sets of muscles one day then use an entirely different set the next day. Anyway, all you have to do is to rest for one set of muscle for repairing itself. The other form of rest you must have is sleep. You need sleep for muscles to repair itself. Just like we said above, muscle mass is built by healing muscles.

Suitable hydration is essential for continuous muscle building. Proper hydration means enough water in your cell for carrying nutrition and riding of body waste, regulating body temperature and protecting your joints. By following the information we described above, you will have a healthy body and good working out.


Lean chicken, lean red meat eggs, tuna, salmon are good protein source for your meal plan if you are trying to build muscle faster. Eating lean meats are essential for muscle building. In order to increase your muscle growth, fat loss and increase muscle strength, you can eat some foods that will stimulate your testosterone level, like red meat and salmon.

Go for Your Doctor

You should consult doctor for suitable rest of muscles. Your doctor will advice you how to stay in healthy.

More Sleep the Better

8 to 10 hours sleeping is crucial for building muscle faster. For this amount of sleep, your muscle can relax and build muscle mass faster. For your muscles grow faster, you need to sleep. Remember; sleep if you get the chance. - 17268

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