Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, March 2, 2009

Eating Properly Helps Weight Loss

By Brian

Your weight loss program can get down right tiring sometimes right? With all the 'you can eat this' or 'you can eat that', sometimes it's a bit much.

If you've been looking around for a good weight loss plan or even just for tips, you've probably been told you shouldn't eat this and your shouldn't eat that.

Plenty of diets tell you that exercising harder and eating alot less is the key to weight loss. But what this tends to do is encourage your body to crave food due to eating so much less.

Studies conducted recently have found that low fat or low in calorie diets only have a certain effect on the body. In fact, dieting this way alone may not prevent heart disease and in fact our bodies utilize and absorb more nutrients from foods that we actually like.

That means although eating alot of vegetables is good for you, if you're eating it to replace all the chicken in your diet or something similar, it won't do you much good.

Our brain will ask our stomaches to produce more digestive juices when it recognizes familiar smells that we like. Our bodies are then better able to metabolize and digest proteins better.

Before you go and eat everything that smells good consider:

1) The food must have nutritional value and content. Chips, chocolate and fried junk food are all out. Vegetables, whole grain items and fruits are greatly preferred. Then all you do is prepare the food in whatever way you find the tastiest. Fry (not too often), bake or steam your food to your taste.

2) Is it because people are around that you are eating? Are you eating because of stress or high emotions? Well you have to ask yourself these questions and try and control the foods you eat when you get into these kinds of situations.

3) The way you eat your food is also important. You need to control how you eat so that you can eat for pleasure. Do this by chewing slowly, enjoying your food as you go. It is important to lengthen your meal because it takes time for your brain to register that you are full. If you eat too fast, your brain won't tell you to step and you'll keep going.

Try these tips and you should gain more control of what you eat and how you eat it. - 17268

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