Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Will Fish Oil Help With Arthritis

By Dr. Bill

Yesterday I got a question about arthritis and fish oil. The person wanted to know what supplements to take and what foods to eat to ease her arthritis.

I always recommend eating foods as close to their natural state as possible. Whole grains, lean meats, vegetables, fruits, and some dairy are all good. Notice how processed foods didn't make the cut. No fast foods either.

When you go to the grocery store you should only shop in 3 areas, at most: The area for meat/poultry/seafood, and the vegetable and fruit areas. All the rest of the packaged products can just just sit on the shelf, undisturbed by you.

That's a good goal, but often unrealistic. You are going to eat some processed food at some point. (Or maybe more than a bit.)

Keep in mind that the elements that provide real nourishment for your body, like enzymes, vitamins, fatty acids, minerals, amino acids, and other elements, are usually stripped from processed foods.

Not getting any of these items, in the proper amounts, particulary the correct balance of fatty acids, often results in inflammation.

Long chain omega-3 fatty acids are essential to combating the pain and joint stiffness of inflammation. They do this by helping to block dietary omega-6 fatty acids, which are high in the Western diet.

Food manufacturers usually strip out the essential elements you need for a very simple reason. It's called "shelf life." They don't want their product to spoil, so they take these essential elements out to retard spoilage.

Eating the right kind of food isn't always easy. But what I've written about should help. - 17268

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