Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, April 10, 2009

6 Pack Abs - The Commitment

By Dan Solaris

Everyone that has ever tried to get lean and maintain sexy 6 pack abs knows it's no joke. A washboard stomach is a result of dedication, hard work and a tremendous amount of self-discipline. It is a product of a constant battle against laziness, self-indulgence and body fat.

To get 6 pack abs, a person not only has to watch what he eats- avoiding food with empty calories and sticking to healthier alternatives, he has to exercise consistently as well. Only by maintaining a healthy diet and doing the right combination of exercises that focus on calorie burn can one hope to get a flat and lean midsection that will turn heads on the beach.

It's not as difficult as it sounds however. Contrary to what most people think, a diet for 6 pack abs doesn't entail munching on rice cakes and swigging non-fat milk every day. It's actually more beneficial to eat a full, well-balanced meal three times a day- with snacks in between. One doesn't have to be limited to a life of crackers and celery sticks to

A healthy diet is one that has the right amounts of muscle-building protein, carbs for energy, dairy products for calcium, and fiber as well as folic acid from lots of vegetables and fruits. Aside from maximizing the nutrient sources where your daily calorie intake comes from, eating smartly will also lower blood pressure and risk of heart disease and cancer.

A lot of people make the all too common mistake of drastically reducing their food intake in efforts to get lean. This can actually deter the body's fat-burning properties because our metabolism drops when we're hungry. It's better to eat sparingly several times throughout the day than to pig-out each meal- specially dinner.

When we let ourselves go hungry and try to make-up for it on the next meal, we stuff our tummies beyond its normal capacity. This, when done enough times will result in an ugly outsized belly- the very thing we're trying to avoid.

Of course, healthy eating habits alone won't cut it in the fat-loss department. Doing the right exercises that maximize calorie burn and fat loss will act like a N02 button that will propel you to your goal of that rippling six pack you've been yearning for.

A combination of body weight aerobic exercises like running or biking, core-strengthening workouts using a wobble board or an exercise ball and conventional bodybuilding have been found to be the best in burning the most calories in less time. The more calories burned, the more fat eliminated and a flatter, leaner midsection will result. - 17268

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