Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, April 10, 2009

Quick Abs - Caloric Intake Matters

By Jose Loni

Caloric intake does matter with regards to getting quick abs. If our caloric intake consists of too much non-quality foods and non-smart eating habits, then no matter how faithfully we workout, we're not going to get quick abs.

Choosing healthy foods and doing away with fatty, sugary, calorie-laden foods are a sure way to getting quick abs. A food intake overloaded with calories ensures that not all calories will be used up resulting in their conversion to fat.

By eating the right foods, we are better able to provide our body with easily consumable food. When the body is able to burn the food we eat, it is better able to also use excess fat to fuel the body's functions.

Eating 5-6 small meals per day will help you maintain your energy throughout the day and keep your blood sugar from fluctuating too much. By eating smaller meals, we are better able to control the calories we take in and help our body to burn more fat.

When we add daily workouts to our lives along with choosing the right foods, we are not only promoting heart health, but we are also on our way to revealing great abs. Exercise speeds up our metabolism, which encourages the body to burn fat more efficiently.

Training with weights and intervals keep it interesting and spurs more of a fat burn by overworking the muscles. The muscles now need to repair and nourish themselves, which creates more energy consumption resulting in less calories stored as fat.

We do have to take care not to decrease caloric intake by too much because this sends a signal to the brain to start conserving calories for an emergency situation (starvation) and leads to fat storage and a lowered metabolism. That's why small, frequent meals are better than totally not eating and better workouts are required to expend more calories than we take in.

The calorie ratio is a great way to balance our eating and exercise. Eating the right foods, avoiding high calorie foods and eating several meals throughout the day will help keep the caloric intake balanced. While at the same time, regular exercise and incorporating strength training and interval training will help not only increase the body's metabolism but also increase the overall caloric expenditure. - 17268

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