Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

6 Pack Abs - The Power Of Core Exercises

By Dan Solaris

Most folks that have been sweating it out in gyms across the globe are doing so for a flatter, leaner stomach. A flabby gut is the first sign of excess weight and there's nothing more damaging to one's self-confidence than walking around the beach with a bouncing potbelly.

Only a small percentage of people who work-out regularly are happy with their figure however. Some actually give up exercising due to slow results. The most probable reason for this is they're going about their workouts the wrong way.

Exercising effectively is the best way to stay motivated and keep hitting the gym. Doing the right exercises will produce visible results in a shorter period. In this light, it's quite ironic that only a few people are maximizing their abs workouts considering getting 6 pack abs is one of their main goals.

Though most people are unaware about them, the power of core exercises in producing a rippling set of 6 pack abs cannot be stressed enough. Common flat-platform sit-ups and crunches can't compare to the core-strengthening movements of Pilates or improvised ab exercises done on a Swiss ball. Core based exercises entail more muscle effort leading to a leaner midsection in less time.

Furthermore, focusing too much on the ab muscles (a way too common mistake) leads to an imbalance of power. A strong stomach with a weak lower back will ultimately result in strain on the lower part of the spine- leaving us prone to injury.

Strengthening the abdomen, lower back, and oblique muscles means stabilizing our body's center, its foundation. A stronger core will give us better balance, flexibility and endurance. It will give extra support for our spine and hence give extra protection against injury.

For the countless folks aiming for fat loss and 6 pack abs, core based exercise together with cardio and resistance training lead to sure success in lesser time. Targeting body fat by maximizing calorie burn will ensure fast weight-loss and inches off your waistline.

Exercising to get the 6 pack abs that countless folks yearn for is not easy of course. Recognizing the power of core exercises and incorporating these into conventional resistance training will make workouts more productive and fun. - 17268

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