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Monday, April 6, 2009

The Health Benefits Of Coconut

By Borgon Trocepticlon

Coconut is one of those unique foods savored by man since the earliest ages. Even today, coconut is widely used in many recipes to add flavor. Coconut is the most widely used food on many islands even today. Almost one third of the world's population relies on coconuts for food and financial systems.

In the earlier times, coconut lost its fame because it was thought to have a very dangerous level of fat. Today, research has shown that although coconut has fat, that fat can actually promote weight loss. The reason for this surprise is that coconut has fatty acids which are not absorbed in the bloodstream like other fats, but rather they are transferred directly to the liver, broken down to produce energy.

Coconut has a very high nutritional content. Moreover, it has amazing healing properties which make it a widely used herb in modern medicine. Traditional medicine valued coconut oil greatly but today modern science is not behind in recognizing its worth. It has the ability to help with herpes, hepatitis, measles, influenza and AIDS viruses. It provides help against osteoporosis and stomach disorders. It improves digestion and bowel function. It also helps prevent the risk of getting breast, colon and other destructive cancers.

Coconut is not behind even in the field of sports. Athletes have realized its value where performance level is concerned. It strengthens the fortitude, toughens the bones, boosts energy levels and restores tissue damage. For those wishing to lose a few pounds, coconut aids in losing weight by shooting up the metabolism rate.

Coconut is also a useful food when it comes to skin care. It balances the natural chemical of the skin, preventing aging and skin spots. It also lessens the dryness and flaking in the skin and keeps the complexion fair and shiny. If applied on the skin, it can give protection from the damaging ultraviolet rays of the sun. It can also help with various skin disorders like eczema and dermatitis. It is expedient even in the use of hair. It promotes the health of the hair and eliminates dandruff.

Heart patients can find quite a lot of relief by eating coconut because it maintains the blood pressure of the body and keeps the cholesterol level under control. Clogging in the arteries is also reduced and health of the heart promoted through improved blood flow. Diabetes patients can also enjoy its benefits as it regulates the level of sugar in the blood.

For those suffering with dental problems, coconut can give relief as it prevents tooth decay and strengthens the teeth. Coconut oil is antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal. It improves the immune system of the body. Coconut oil is the most widely used massage oil. Patients who have suffered from a stroke can find relief if the affected parts are massaged with coconut oil.

The pioneering evidence today shows that coconut and coconut oil weigh the scales heavily when it comes to healing advantages. Though coconut has many advantages, its oil is said to take the lead. So set on today to use coconut daily to gain optimum results. - 17268

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