Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Abs Workout - Motivate With A Workout Partner

By Jose Loni

Ab workouts are easier to do with a friend to spur you on. A friend makes the abs workout feel less like work and encourages us to be single-minded about our workout goals. The abs workout becomes easier with a friend whom we can share stories and bond with. It becomes a great stress reliever, which benefits us outside of the training session.

People workout more conscientiously with someone else. They also tend to let themselves down before they let someone else down, so because of our human nature, having a workout partner works well.

Social support encourages physical activity and a workout partner can help achieve and maintain that goal by providing a gentle coercion. Seeing someone like you doing a physical activity makes you believe you can do it too. The greater our self-confidence doing regular activity, the more motivated we become, which allows us to stay with an exercise program beyond the start-up phase.

A workout partner keeps our ab workouts fun and makes it feel less like work. This is because we focus less on every count or minute like we do when we workout alone. Instead, even some conversation with our workout partner can help us dissociate from the discomfort of the activity. When discomfort is better tolerated, we're less likely to stop exercising.

A workout partner can also help us avoid the debate in our head about whether we should go and workout. Good partners never take no for an answer.

A lot of times, a friend will remind us of what we hope to achieve and will try harder than most to help us stay concentrated in order to get results. They serve as a reminder to us to be more responsible with our workout ethic as well as our behaviour towards eating so that we can arrive at what we hope to accomplish.

Working out with a partner also benefits us psychologically because there is a tendency for us to talk about our concerns and personal challenges during the training sessions. The exchange of outlooks and opinions can greatly help us deal with the stress and help us redirect our focus to our end goals.

Finding a workout partner to do our ab workouts with is a wonderful motivator because a workout partner keeps the abs workout fun, keeps us focused on our goals and extends psychological benefits to us. So before giving up, try finding a workout partner - it may be the best thing you can add to your abs workout. - 17268

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