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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Acai Berri - The Juice With Amazing Antioxidant Powers

By I. Russell

At some point in time, more than likely you have either heard of the acai berry or seen some type of advertisement for a product that contains it. However, you may not really know that much about this fruit and the power of the acai berry juice. Let's take a closer look this berry and why it has become so popular for those who are looking for great antioxidants.

It's very important that your body gets plenty of antioxidants in order to stay healthy. The ORAC test, which stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, was a test that Dr. Guohua Cao came up with that essentially measures how certain foods work to help the body fight off health problems. Essentially it measure the antioxidants that are in particular foods so that you have an idea of how much antioxidant power the food really has.

However, most people don't get this much. Many don't even get half of this amount. Eating the acai berry can change that and give you the antioxidants that you need in your diet. So, how much ORAC should you end up having on a daily basis? Well, the recommended amount is 1670 each day.

The really amazing thing about acai berry fruit juice is that you will get 3800 ORAC in just 1 oz of juice. Just think; this is already twice the daily amount of antioxidants that you need! Knowing that, it's probably no surprise to you how come you've been seeing ads for acai berry juice absolutely everywhere. All of those antioxidants in your diet are bound to have some great effects.

Why are the antioxidants found in the acai berry so important? Well, antioxidants are important to the body because they help to get rid of free radicals. These free radicals can cause all manner of different diseases, including cancer. So, you can definitely benefit from getting plenty of antioxidants in your diet.

It's important that you buy juice that is organic when you're purchasing acai berry juice. Why be attracted by the many benefits of the juice (like lots of antioxidants), when there are hazardous chemicals that are used on the berries? Make sure that the company you are buying from is reputable, and uses organic berries when making the juice.

So, if you are interested in better health, getting more antioxidants is key to achieving this. Learn more about the acai berry and how it can make a positive change in your life. No doubt you'll find that the acai berry juice totally changes the way you feel and impacts your health for the better. - 17268

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