Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Top Ten Fitness Tips

By Mike Walker

Many programs assist you in burning body fat or muscle building. When achieved, these goals get you sexy and fit. Steps need to be taken to keep those results though. Programs may guide you throughout the process to achieving these goals but daily activities need to be taken in order to keep your results. These activities are simple things like drinking plenty of water and eating healthy foods.

1. Drink a lot of water, the body often sends a signal that represents thirst as hunger tricking your brain thinking your hungry when you're just thirsty. Best way to approach drinking more water would be drink water first thing in the morning and all throughout the day, especially during and after exercising (required). Drink minimum eight 8 ounce glasses of water or more daily.

2. Slow down on teas and coffee, stay away from fizzy drinks.

3. Eat a piece of fruit or more a day, eat real whole fruits not fruit juice. Fruit juice is high in calories and difficult for you to digest.

4. Unless you are training really hard watch out for sports drinks. A bottle of that could replace all the calories you just burned in your exercise. Grab a bottle of water instead.

5. Eat Breakfast! You won't be able to achieve goals and efficiently exercise without eating properly. Research shown that eating breakfast will increase fat loss and muscle growth than those who do not.

6. Don't eat late night snacks; ideally do not eat past 9 o'clock it takes 3 hours just to digest food. If you go to sleep when your body hasn't fully digested your food it sits in your stomach and for men it digest a lot slower for women it slows way down digesting slower then men.

7. Get vegetables in your system daily, vegetables are a big deal to your health and staying fit. Vegetables aid in burning calories.

8. Give your body sleep, sleep is awesome to your body and is one of the good things you can do for yourself as in staying fit. Sleep aids in burning fat and building muscle.

9. Do what you can to get all food groups in your system daily, turn it into a daily routine.

10. Stick to your workout routine, problems people end up having is that they do great with progress or keeping what they've worked for but end up missing one workout, then another and it's broke. Try making it a habit to stick to it. - 17268

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