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Monday, April 27, 2009

Acai Berry Health Secrets

By Carter Sinclair

Acai berry supplement is something we've all heard of now. It was featured on Oprah as the #1 superfood and has been all over the internet and news. What is all the hype about this little amazing berry.

Acai Berry grows in clusters similar to bananas. It is dark purplish in color and is a lot like a blueberry in shape and size. It is very small and round shaped. Acai Berry is from the Amazons and has been called a phenomenal fruit.

The Acai berry has been produced and made into energy drinks, granola bars, and even ice creams for those looking to try out its healthy nutrients. Many chefs are even experimenting with its flavor in dishes and in the future you may find yourself ordering it in an exotic restaurant.

Many have fallen for the Acai fruit for a lot of reasons. It is great for your overall health and is very beneficial to your body. Acai berry is an all in one nutrient and vitamin that is great for your health.

Of all the fruits Acai berry has the hightest antioxidant count found in any fruit. Antioxidants work amazingly well for a body cleanser and early research shows Acai is a proven cancer fighter. Antioxidants help to improve your immune system to fight off viruses and colds such as the flu.

Some accounts you may have read about or heard about regarding the Acai Berry health benefits say that the Acai Berry can help you lose weight fast. The jury is still out on acai's weight loss properties, but it has been proven that Omega fatty acids and Cyanidin (which acai is packed with) both aid in healthy weight loss. - 17268

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