Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A One Sided Story Made the Pain Go Away

By Lydia Peru

During a recent visit with my sister we turned our social time into what seems like more of a science experiment. No Weird Science, just a simple little topical treatment for the soreness in her knees. She had been in pain for years, brought on from one accident after another.

I will admit that I cannot just sit idol when I see someone is in pain. I will offer whatever I can for someone who is not a medical specialist, like an ice pack or warm rice pack. This time I took out a bottle of Transderma magnesium oil. I know that sounds strange, but this stuff is topical, and even if it did nothing else she would get a little mini massage of the area, right? I suggested to her that she could apply some to her knee after her shower that evening.

To be honest, I completely forgot about the magnesium oil until my sister mentioned it later that night. She said her leg hurt. Not the leg she put the magnesium oil on, that one didnt hurt at all now, but now she felt the ongoing ache of the leg that she didnt treat.

This idea of applying magnesium oil to the sore spots was a great experiment. After trying many pain relief methods my sister was not expecting much. My next question had to be asked. Why didn't you put it on both legs?

The dermal layer, our skin, can sweat as well as absorb. This is why it is recommended to wear gloves when handling chemicals. Transderma magnesium oil is formulated to be recognizable by the body as easily absorbed.

Eventually my sister did apply the Transderma magnesium oil to her other leg, but she made me wonder. She had a smile on her face as she spoke about her other leg. She didnt realize how much pain she had carried until it was no longer an issue, and she was truly surprised that this application worked. I was surprised too, but mostly pleased that such a simple external use could have such a positive effect. - 17268

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