Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Boost Your Workout or Start a New One: The Turbulence Training Program

By Caitlin Ryan

Do you get bored easily? I sure do! That is why I am always looking for new ways to remain fit and healthy by boosting or revamping my exercise routine. When you do this, you stay motivated to work out because it remains exciting and fun. I think this important in order to achieve and maintain a great figure and optimum health.

As well, muscle design is such that if you want to continue to mold a work of art, you need to change your exercise program often to continue to challenge your muscles, or you will hit an exercise plateau. Craig Ballantyne feels the same and has developed an awesome fitness program called Turbulence Training.

Craig basically used some very important concepts of fitness that offers sound nutritional advice in addition to exercises. This offers your body energy and important nutrients so that you can lose the body fat and still improve your lean body mass.

Another core concept of Turbulence Training is that it can be done in less time than many traditional exercise programs. This has always been important to me because we all live busy lives and not many of us have a lot of time to devote to physical fitness.

The most effective concept, however, is the constant changing of exercises coupled with adequate rest in between workouts. This is important for two reasons.

For one, when we do not continue to challenge our muscles, we reach an exercise plateau that keeps us at the same fitness level rather than moving us forward to a better body and better health. This is just basic physiology that most of us do not completely understand.

His plentiful exercises are clearly mapped out for us, so we do not need to think about all that he knows about the physiology behind muscle growth and definition. He uses charts that you can print out and take with you to the gym or keep on the wall in your home. You can chart your progress and have handy photos of the exercises available for reminders.

The other reason for the timing of turbulence training is the rest factor. You need to do interval training four times a week and strength training three times a week in order to avoid the harm that over-exercising can do to your body. Over-exercising can also be detrimental to proper fitness.

By doing this, you allow your muscles to rest so that they will be more responsive to the next work out. You also avoid the risk of injury and toxicity to the body by accumulating too much lactic acid. Finally, you avoid the problem that results from working out too much on too little whereby the body robs energy from lean body mass and begins to store fat, resulting in a skinny yet flabby physique.

I found the exercises to be a lot of fun and it has added a spark to my workout routine. Just what I needed before summer! In addition, I can do the work outs in less time than I was spending. I think my favorite exercise so far is the Spiderman Climb/Spiderman Lunge! - 17268

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