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Monday, April 13, 2009

Candida Cleanse is an Anti-Yeast Colonic

By Eleanor Candy

A colonic using a solution that targets the Candida albicans genus of endosymbiont yeast is sometimes referred to as a Candida Cleanse. Like other endosymbiont life forms that our bodies host, Candida is generally benign.

This genus of yeast lives inside the bodies of host animals from insects to humans. Like all yeast, Candida is living organisms. In certain cases of yeast infection, some people do a Candida Cleanse, the name for a colonic that targets the Candida where it is most plentiful - in the intestine.

A Candida Cleanse is a colonic using any of several commercially available preparations that target Candida albicans, the most destructive genus of Candida yeast.

Anecdotal evidence, organized support groups and a thriving business in Candida Cleanse solutions are evidence that some endorse anti-Candida colonics despite the lack of authoritative acceptance.

It has been widely held by the medical establishment that, while a very limited number of yeast species have the potential to cause disease, the complications do not include the spread of yeast outbreaks to internal organs or other systems deeper in the body cavity. This is not to say that yeast eruptions on the body surface can not be a significant health threat.

But an increase in patients with compromised immune systems has skyrocketed over the past two decades. Yeast infections are dangerous in such cases and this is behind a closer look at Candida Cleanse and the legitimacy of the treatment.

The increase in COPD patients being treated with cortisone-based inhalers only adds to the cause for vigilance. Yeast infections are a common result of a compromised immunity system, so the demand for, anti-yeast treatments like a Candida Cleanse has increased.

The theory behind Candida Cleanse therapy is pretty common sense, if you ask me. A colonic with an appropriate anti-fungal solution is in arguably the fastest, most effective way to significantly reduce the demands placed on the immune system to fight yeast growth.

Three, a colonic with a mild anti-Candida solution quickly and significantly reduces the demand on the immune system. Not easy to disagree with, I say. - 17268

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