Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, April 13, 2009

Tips For Building Up Your Muscle

By James Thompson

Learning how to eat properly is a must when one decides to gain weight and muscle. Our goal is to attain two things through our eating program: More gaining of muscle weight and lesser fat intake. For this to happen, you mainly need to set your eye on to two things:

Protein should be the base of every meal. Everything else comes next to it, while protein is your main focus. To have an idea on how much protein to eat per meal is envisioning an amount which would fit and fill your hand if you cupped it. You could also try multiplying 1.5 to that of your bodyweight.

You now know daily gram amount of protein intake which you can divide up for each meal everyday. Both these methods are easy to do, yet with this you can now begin figuring out your protein intake. All in all, for someone looking to gain muscle, for each meal a minimum of 20 grams is usually recommended

You should also determine the overall calories for your body to gain weight. As protein is your base, it won't supply all your daily calories need. The rest should come as combination of carbohydrates and fats.

Th ratio of each is would different for every person, but in general you could start with an ample size serving of carbs, such as brown rice, and then include a smaller serving of fats, such as a small handful of peanuts. Some individuals can manage a higher carb meal, while others should work in lowering their carb amount, while slightly raising fat amount. To give you a rough guide as to how many calories you should eat daily in order to gain weight and muscle is multiplying your bodyweight by 15.

All this guidelines are very general which allows you to add in more weight and muscle gain while adjusting to a stable progress. Combined with the right muscle gaining weight workout, one can look forward to increase in body frame in a matter of 6-8 weeks. - 17268

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