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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Golfers Dominate their Game with Resveratrol for Arthritis Pain Relief

By Vicki Zerbee

Golfers face a variety of health challenges, including golf-related injuries such as golfers elbow, lower back pain and ACL knee issues, that can keep them from enjoying the game. Also, as we age there are issues such as joint pain, arthritis, and inflammation that have golfers looking for help to prevent pain so that they can play every day or even once per week.

Pain is debilitating. Inflammation and pain hold us back from activities we enjoy and may have a life altering affect on us when we can not manage the pain. People are in constant search for pain relief to keep them in the game of life.

When our body is injured, it naturally produces inflammation to protect us from escalating the injury. There are other causes of inflammation as well, and they still causes us pain.

Not only do we get inflammation from injuries, there are many illnesses associated with inflammation. In fact, many scientists believe that it is inflammation that slowly kills us. Many factors in our lives can cause a build-up of inflammation including: pain and injuries that do not heal, chemicals and toxins in our environment, stress, allergy conditions, poor nutrition through our daily diets, viral and bacterial infections, and how are bodies respond to prescription meds.

What happens is that inflammation affects our bodys tissues and organs which in turn causes disease and illness, in some people at a much younger age than others. Arthritis, joint pain, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, Alzheimers, chronic fatigue, and cancer, are all ailments that we face as age.

People use pain relief products like ibuprofen and other nsaids for chronic pain. Ongoing use of these products can produce stomach issues like gastric ulcers or other ailments. Prescription pain relief medications have unwanted side effects, and there are many people who can't tolerate them at all.

Fish oil is a natural food supplement that doctors have been telling their patients to use for pain and inflammation. More recently, scientists discovered resveratrol which is a natural substance that is found in red wine. Daily use of pharmaceutical-grade fish oil and resveratrol can impact inflammation and pain and effectively change people's lives.

I am currently reading a book, The Longevity Factor, written by a professor of Neuroscience at the University of Pittsburgh. His name is Dr. Joseph Maroon and in the book he provides an extensive report on anti-aging research and natural solutions that fight aging. Dr. Maroon states the importance of using pharmaceutical-grade supplements as they are not regulated the same as prescription drugs and can vary in quality from brand to brand. After verifying the effectiveness of the combination of pharmaceutical-grade fish oil and resveratrol with himself and his patients, he recommends it exclusively for pain and inflammation.

Golfers who want to play as much as they desire will benefit from finding solutions that work effectively and aren't associated with unpleasant or unhealthy side effects. Pharmaceutical grade fish oil and resveratrol is a combination of natural products that help alleviate pain and help people feel younger and healthier. Science has brought us natural solutions that we can use right now to keep us pain free in the game of life. - 17268

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