Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, April 24, 2009

Health is Wealth

By Angela Giles

Nutrition or nourishment means supplying to the cells and body what is needed for sustaining life. Right nutrition is most essential for health.

The food that we eat contains several kinds of nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. When the body receives these nutrients in the proper quantities, it is considered to be healthy, whereas, an excess or deficiency of these nutrients results in poor health. Our health then is a direct function of our diet.

While it is advisable to eat green vegetables and fresh food, it is not always possible to do that owing to our metro-lifestyle and work habits. We have become used to eating processed food like polished rice, pasteurized milk, frozen meat and fast food like burgers, pizzas, and soft drinks. Most of our health problems originate from such food habits.

It is true that technology has made it possible to preserve food for a long time and made certain food items safe to consume, but it has also reduced the nutritional value of the food. Many essential vitamins and minerals are lost in food processing techniques like heating, milling and centrifugation.

Adults and children have widely different nutritional needs. Whereas children need a lot of fats and carbohydrates for growth and energy, adults may suffer from excessive fat consumption. Therefore, it is important to configure our diets at different stages of life. However, we tend to like certain food items as a result of habits, which are difficult to change. Over a period of time, this can result in nutritional imbalances and cause ailments in later life.

The government provides nutritional standards and guidance but not many of us are aware of them. And even if we are aware, it is difficult to keep track of them regularly in our busy lives.

I firmly believe that health is of paramount importance and therefore advise taking dietary supplements. These are scientifically designed supplements which aid in providing the optimal nutrition to human requirements, which is difficult to achieve through normal diet.

It is also not advisable to just take a particular vitamin or mineral supplement, which is found to be lacking because nutrients work together. Excessive consumption of one may lead to unknown health effects.

All good nutritional supplements are composed of the right ingredients, in the correct amounts, in the right balance and in the correct forms for all age groups. Therefore, I would advise you to choose the right dietary supplements for a healthy life. - 17268

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