Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bring Sexy Back!

By Metilda Sackerwack

Swimsuit season is just around the corner, and it's the perfect time to show off your sexy body! Let's get rid of that excess fat and take on a whole new you!

Top 4 Ways to Look Great this Summer:

1. Water

If you really want to get rid of that jelly, bloated look around your stomach the trick is to drink more water. Doctors recommend you drink anywhere from 6 to 8 eight ounce glasses per day to get your body's metabolism pumping more efficiently, and of course cleanse your system.

2. Eat the Right Foods

There are some foods you can eat that will actually increase your metabolism and help with your efforts at giving you a sexy summer body. By simply adding some healthier options into your daily diet, you can begin to shed those extra pounds quickly and easily.

Make certain you are eating more fruit daily. Prepare new, healthier snacks, instead of your run-of-the mill candy and desserts. Fruits taste great, have a great variety, and are much healthier for you.

3. Detoxify The Body

After a long, cold winter, the body usually stores waste and toxins in your colon. That nasty waste can give you a stuffed and bloated appearance, which can often make you feel tired. Try Ever Cleanse to thoroughly cleanse your system.

Eating unhealthy junk foods over the long and cold winter season can leave behind a build-up of toxins in your bowels? When you fail to detoxify your body, you can potentially be piling up anywhere from 15 to 20 pounds of waste, which can definitely make you look and feel swollen and bloated all over.

Ever Cleanse is the best detoxifying formula to help get rid of waste rapidly, and more effectively. This all-natural formula flushes away that nasty build-up in our systems, which will give us more energy, healthier-looking skin, and of course reduce that bloated look.

4. Exercise

Getting that sexy summer body doesn't mean you have to go off and train for the Olympic team, but you should increase the amount of exercise you are currently doing. Take it slow by walking everyday for 30 minutes. Not only will it help clear your mind, but it will also keep you moving!

Quick and easy exercises that focus on certain areas of the body are perfect for bringing your sexy back! You may want to try lunges and squats to help tone those legs and butt; also, crunches and sit-ups help flatten the mid-section, making it perfect for that two-piece! - 17268

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