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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Help For Tinnitus

By Matt Hellstrom

Tinnitus is something that seems to be more and more prevalent in today's society. When you think about it, it is completely understandable with the development of the Walkman, Bluetooth technology and the iPod. If you are unfamiliar with this condition, it is when you have a ringing or some other type of noise that you constantly hear in your ears and it usually leads to much more complicated hearing issues.

Many people are under the misconception that tinnitus is not something that can be prevented and they are totally wrong. You will often find this opinion being voiced from a friend that has attended hundreds of concerts over the years and never took the time to wear earplugs. What did they think was going to happen to their hearing and ear drums after all that exposure to noise at such a loud level?

Imagine working in a machine shop with those ear shattering machines constantly creating those loud noises and going around for 8 hours a day unprotected. Do you honestly think that you can subject your ears to that kind of damaging noise and not suffer some consequences?

The same thing can be said for people who either work in a concert setting or who often attend them. Get a good set of earplugs to wear during the events and you will very likely prevent this condition from developing. Everyone knows how loud the music is at a concert and even though you are wearing ear plugs, the music will still get through, just not as loudly and therefore reducing the risk of you getting tinnitus.

Tinnitus is also very common for those that work in a stressful environment or just have a stressful life. It is proven time and again how harmful stress is in our lives and while you may not be able to change your job, you may need to change your approach so you can reduce or eliminate the stress that you suffer from.

What everyone needs to realize is that tinnitus is something that we often allow ourselves to develop. In most cases, there is no cure for tinnitus and you are stuck with whatever damage that you get as a result.

There are ways to control the effects and get help for tinnitus, but more importantly there are plenty of ways in preventing this from ever happening and everyone needs to be a little more aware of these and not put themselves at risk of getting tinnitus. - 17268

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