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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Usana Vitamins - A Complete Health Plan

By Angela Giles

Myron Wentz founded Usana Health Sciences in 1992 to produce nutritional supplements. Today, its products are marketed by over 175,000 associates in fourteen countries across the world. The company has won several awards for the quality of their products, which promise true health to its consumers.

Nutritional supplements are becoming the order of the day. Our normal diet falls short of sufficient quantity of vital nutrients. One of the chief reasons is that we are moving away from a diet of green vegetables and fresh fruits to one of mechanically processed fast food. Malnutrition in early years causes several mental and physical disorders which are difficult to rectify in later life. Drinking and smoking produce free radicals in the body which are harmful to the cells. Therefore, supplementing one's diet with vitamins and other nutrients is necessary.

Usana Vitamins and Usana Minerals are science-based formulations of various essential ingredients like vitamin A, C, E and zinc, calcium, and magnesium. They are carefully prepared in the right quantity, proportion and form that are required by children, teenagers and adults.

Usana Vitamins for children under 12 years are available in the form of tasteful chewable tablets. Their unique wild berry flavor is prepared from a phytonutrient mix of wild blueberry, raspberry, cranberry and blackberry fruit powders. The tablets are of the shape of small cute animals and hence the product is known as Usanimals. Most importantly, they contain Vitamin E and Vitamin C in a large quantity, which is essential during these years in a child's growth.

Usana Vitamins for teenagers in the 12-18 year age-group, known as BodyRox, supply the essential nutrients for a body undergoing tremendous hormonal and physiological changes. In less than 5 years, the body's strength, height and weight increase significantly. BodyRox contains 31 unique vitamins, mineral and antioxidants.

Chelated Mineral and Mega Anti-oxidant are Usana Vitamin formulations for the adult human being. Free radical damage is more common in adults and this affects normal cell metabolism. To counteract this, Mega Anti-oxidant is packed with a generous dose of 30 separate vitamins and nutrients. Chelated Mineral combines essential minerals in a form that can be readily absorbed by the body.

Apart from Usana Vitamins, Usana offers additional nutritional arsenal in the form of energy drinks, nutritional bars, healthpaks, and optimizers. These products are highly popular amongst competitive athletes and sportspersons. Regular users have reported an improvement in their health, weight loss and a general increase in immunity to diseases. - 17268

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