Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Reliability of Free Rapid Weight Loss Tips

By Tiffany Stringfellow

If you've been looking for some free info on the web on how to lose weight, you may have clicked on a link that promised free rapid weight loss tips just for giving your email address. But are they really free?

We get great entertainment from the media so when we're looking for facts or weight loss tips avenues such as newspapers, magazines or the TV is usually the first place we're gonna look.

Within these popular media forms you will find all kinds of healthy advice because healthy sells and what can see like a bunch of great free weight loss tips actually winds up being a series of commercials.

One successful campaign in particular is the one where some average Joe says that all they did was eat at a certain restaurant and the weight just fell off them.

This person then of course tours the country and goes on all these different TC shows saying that they lost weight in not time at all just from eating at Joe'sor wherever.

Of course these free weight loss tips are commercials for that restaurant and what they always seem to leave out is the exercise part.

Here is a free weight loss tip you can really believe, it takes more than just walking to a local sub shop and ordering a low fat sub sandwich to lose weight.

Another popular series of free rapid weight loss tips that seems to have gotten out of control is the notion that water can help you lose weight.

Many years ago a report came out from a relatively trust worthy source which stated that drinking water can greatly help you to lose weight. The bottled water companies jumped on this and some have gone as far to claim that all you need to do is drink water to lose weight.

It can be said that free rapid weight loss tips tend to stretch the truth such as with this water proclamation, watch out for these.

Other Free Rapid Weight Loss Myths

The long and short of it is, there is no healthy way to lose weight in only a few days so you have to judge for yourself the best weight loss plan for you. Just be wary of all the supposedly free advice out there.

Companies selling gym equipment will tell you to buy more gym equipment to lose weight.

Farmers will tell you that eating more fruit is the way to go because they want you to buy more fruit.

So check with your doctor if someone tries to give you free rapid weight loss tips that you are a little concerned about as they will give you the straight dope. - 17268

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