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Monday, May 18, 2009

Choosing Protein Supplements: The Four Important Protein Sources

By Henrick Scofers

Protein is one of the essential nutrients our bodies need. Our muscles especially require it for maintenance and growth. For most people, around .3 grams per pound of body weight is the recommended daily intake. However, athletes in general and bodybuilders in particular need far more; around 1.25 grams per pound each day. These people need more protein to build muscle and fuel their bodies for their exercise regimens.

Not only is the amount of protein important, but the source also matters. For the average person, diet alone is sufficient to get the needed amount, but for those who need more than the average amount, there are protein supplements that are necessary. There are 4 different types of protein that can be used. Each reacts differently and so the type should be chosen carefully.

The four protein sources common in protein supplements are whey, soy, casein and egg. While some protein supplements are made from just one source, most often there will be protein from two of these sources in a given protein supplement.

Whey protein comes from milk. It is the most common choice in protein supplements. This type of protein is made up of nonessential and essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are not made by the body naturally and must come through diet. The body takes well to whey protein and will use it easily and safely. The only concern about whey protein is that it is not safe for those with a milk allergy or who are lactose intolerant. Concentrated whey protein is most often preferred as it more available and less expensive. Concentrated forms contain anywhere from 30 to 85% protein. The isolate forms will have about 90%, but are more expensive and harder to find. Whey protein helps to boost the immune system, provides amino acids and helps for quick muscle recovery and prevents muscle breakdown.

Soy protein is derived from soy flour. This is the most complete vegetable protein known and like whey protein, there are isolates and concentrated forms available; isolates are higher in protein but more expensive. Easily digestible, soy protein is suitable for everyone except for the small number of people who are allergic to soy. Soy protein can be added to foods easily and is beneficial in lowering blood cholesterol.

Egg protein comes from egg whites. It is fat free and very high in protein. It contains all the essential amino acids and is completely absorbed by the body. It is considered the best protein source. It should not be used by people who have egg allergies.

Casein is also a milk protein. Digested at a slower rate than whey, casein protein is often used in combination with other proteins which are more quickly available to the body for sustained nourishment. Casein protein is a good choice for meals prior to workouts and for taking before bed. Like whey protein, casein protein should be avoided by the lactose intolerant and those with milk allergies.

Read the labels of those protein supplements to make sure you're purchasing one that you'll tolerate and will give you the protein you need for your exercise regimen. Keep the qualities of each protein source in mind as you choose protein supplements. - 17268

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