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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Do You Know What Are the Different Types of Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you're trying to determine the severity of bruises, whether you have them or they are on someone that you love, it is necessary to remember that there are specific, different kinds of bruises out there. If you educate yourself a little more about the different types of bruises that there are, you are going to become much more knowledgeable of what treatments are available and how best to use them. Make yourself aware of how much you really know about bruises and the best ways to treat them. If you learn how to determine how mild or severe a bruise is, you are going to have a significantly better thought process of how to best treat it.

First, consider where the damage actually is. A subcutaneous bruise is one that happens just beneath the skin and will generally be relatively mild. On the other hand, an intramuscular bruise occurs within the belt of the muscle underneath and can do some more serious damage, while a periosteal bruise refers to a bone bruise, which can be extremely painful.

When rating bruises, medical professionals may use the following scale to denote the severity:

0- a light bruise having no damage at all 1- a less than moderate bruise with a slight amount of damage done 2- a moderate bruise with some damage 3- a serious bruise with some possibility of permanent or impermanent damage 4- an extremely serious bruise with the possibility of permanent or impermanent harm 5- a critical bruise carrying a risk of death

With a light bruise, you may feel a bit of pain, whether it happens right away or is delayed. An inflammation may occur due to the fact that histamines have been released. Even after the capillaries have been repaired, blood can seep out and make the bruise look darker, and it generally takes about two weeks for a light bruise to heal, while a darker bruise may take longer. Bruises that are mild will tend to need minimal amounts of treatment, though depending on where the bruise is, you may need to do some stretching exercises as it heals so that the muscles underneath don't become stiff and stubborn.

With bruises that are considered moderate or severe, however, you can find that you are going to be dealing with somewhat serious complications. Further bleeding may occur, and it is possible that swelling can cut off the flow of blood to the tissues. The blunt trauma that goes into creating bruises of this severity can result in injury to the internal organs or bones, and if the strike is severe enough, concussion, coma and even death can be the result. At this point, emergency treatment becomes necessary.

Luckily enough, most of us will only have to deal with light bruises in our everyday lives. Spend the time to make certain that your bruises, regardless of their severity, get treated appropriately. - 17268

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