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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Does a High Carbohydrate Diet Tend to Make Me Bruise More Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are someone who is subject to bruising easily and someone who is looking to make sure that you no longer do so, it might be time to take a closer look at your diet. One of the major culprits that have arisen in recent years is carbohydrates, and they have been blamed for practically everything under the sun. Happily enough though, carbohydrates do not have anything to do with causing you to bruise more easily, but the truth is that you should know more about the foods that are high in carbohydrates.

When you get right down to it, bruising more easily than you should is usually a sign of the capillaries in your body growing more delicate, or even frail, as we age. When you want to make sure that you do not bruise easily, you should look into foods and nutrients that allow you to build up your ability to strengthen or repair those weakened capillaries, like iron, vitamin K and vitamin C. Where carbohydrates can help involves the fact that they are important when it comes to keeping your immune system in good working order and making sure that your body has the energy in reserve to deal with the damage that is done through bruising. Carbohydrates can help you get over a bruise sooner than you might otherwise.

The first thing that you need to consider is the fact that carbohydrates are not all bad for you, and as a matter of fact, they are necessary in order to keep your body functioning well. They aid your body in doing numerous things; including storing and transporting energy and helping you maintain good cell health. Similarly, you'll also find that they can play a role in stimulating your immune system, as much or more than any other food does.

What are the best sources of carbohydrates out there for you when you are looking to eat healthily? You may want to consider whole grains, fruits and beans. These foods not only provide you with a healthy dose of carbohydrates, you'll also find that you are going to be getting some great sources of minerals, fiber, and vitamins. Not only can you get some level of vitamin K and vitamin C, you can also move forward and make sure that you get carbohydrates that are easy to digest.

Another connection that carbohydrates have with bruising is that carbs can be tied to diabetes. One of the indications of diabetes is bruising easily, and eating too many carbohydrates from highly processed foods like sugared sodas, fast foods, and other sources is a prime cause of diabetes.

Spend some time and make sure that you really consider what your options are going to be when you are trying to be sure that youre eating a well balanced diet. Easy bruising can be a sign that something is wrong in your body, so pay attention and make sure that you are eating in a way which keeps you healthy. - 17268

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