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Friday, May 29, 2009

The Health Aid That Ionized Water Can Achieve

By Chris Channing

The health industry has been active in rumors of how ionized water has become the next health fad. But consumers who are now finding out about the new fad aren't exactly chemists themselves- so who should they trust? The science behind water ionization is actually easy to pick up if you keep an open mind.

When we speak of ionized water, we are referencing water that has been made to be either acidic or alkaline. An ion is simply an atom that is charged either negatively or positively, which is used to achieve a certain balance of acidity. Alkaline water is the product we are striving to obtain during the process of water ionization, and not just to help remove harmful acid from drinking water.

Alkaline water is particularly helpful, since it is said to carry more oxygen than acidic water. Oxygen is required to prevent the buildup of acid in our cells as a result of cell aspiration. In allowing for more oxygen to be present, it is said that the hydration effects of the water are increased to a certain extent.

We are all familiar with the fruit craze, which goes hand in hand with the antioxidant buzz. Antioxidants are particularly helpful since they help rid our bodies of toxins that may have built up. Ionized water is considered to be an antioxidant due to its abundance of electrons. Antioxidants are known for their ability in keeping cells from being damaged by free radicals.

Ionized water is achieved through a process called electrolysis. This method allows the breakdown of water particles to make a "wetter" water. It is also said that since the atoms in the water are more compacted, you can gain more hydration from less water. This could be of benefit to those who practice sports, but also in applications such as keeping hydrated for a speech or important meeting where faltering could be critical.

The process of creating ionized water has been perfected, but the science behind it has not just yet. There are many claims of benefit that ionized water was attested to, but some argue that the sciences behind water ionization have yet to be confirmed. As more studies are conducted in the meantime, it's helpful to read other stories of how water ionization has helped out the lives of thousands all over the world since its debut.

Closing Comments

The cost of ionization machines is a bit steep, but worth it when considering the level of boon that they allow for. Ionization machines can be easily found online, where a large selection of devices and designs is available for consumers with different price ranges in mind for such machines. - 17268

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