Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Don't Cook and Be Healthier

By Jane Dannon

Most people do not fully understand what raw food diet is. Casting doubts on other people whether or not the raw food diet is truly beneficial. Going for a raw food diet does not necessarily mean that you have to consume raw foods all the time. All you have to do is not to eat processed foods and eat more on fruits and vegetables.

Eating fruits and vegetables will help your body detoxify your system. Once your body is detoxified, you will immediately notice results. However, if you experience headaches or skin eruptions or tire easily, you don't have to worry; these episodes are the side effects of the toxins that are being removed from your system.

You energy levels will increase as your body gets used to the new energy its gaining. In addition to feeling better, your brain and mind will be better focused on work and problem solving. You will have a better overall balance with your health. Fighting off viruses and illness will be easier because your immune system is working more effectively. When you body works more efficiently your metabolism will work better as well, which can lead to some weight loss.

Why eat raw? We have all been eating raw at some time of our lives. When you picked up and apple and ate it, you are eating raw. The idea of eating raw is not a new concept. We've been eating fruits and vegetables all the time, in our salads and sandwiches.

More specifically, it was either that or go hungry. Man has been consuming fruits and vegetables as it was, free from additives and chemicals and no cooking. However, as soon as man discovered fire and started using it to cook food, man has doubled its caloric intake, and is one of the main causes of various health problems. - 17268

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