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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Organic food store

By Karol Wariala

Sent by: Honey Dressing. The alternative for the shopping tour you take in a supermarket is a visit to an organic food store, even if the range of products available is not that comprehensive. The truth is that such stores provide supplies and services locally, targeting customers in a limited geographical area. The benefits of purchasing products from an organic food store is that there is usually a family farm or a local food supplier that backs the store and provides fresh merchandise all the time. Plus, customers have the option of ordering products when they are no available, with the mention that there may be packaging and transportation fees.

In case word hasn't reached you about any organic food store in your neighborhood, you can search the Internet and find the closest supplier. Then it's up to you to make the choice! Should you like to spread the word about a good organic food store, you can submit info on the facility in online directories for other people to access.

The organic food store has a very productive counterpart in the farmers market, where they sell the same kind of food: healthy, chemical-free products that are certified as organic.

Fruits and vegetables are the main choices one makes when shopping at an organic food store. The idea here is to buy stuff that is produced or grown locally. Regional prosperity and local economic development will thus be boosted by the preference for the products supplied by small farms run in the family.

Thus, not only will you enjoy good tasty and healthy food, but you'll also support the efforts of striving farms to keep up with the market demands. There are many ways to advertise for such products. There are the Community Supported Agriculture, farm stands, U-Pick Up farms where you can go to the farm and choose anything during the harvest season and so on.

Eggs, meat and dairy products are more difficult to find in a traditional organic food store, but they are often part of the commercial service. Lots of farmers offer their fresh products to the community through the intermediary of such shops. And this makes a really great substitute for the food supplied by the industrial farms where all antibiotics and hormones are used to produce eggs and grow livestock. Fortunately, the fact that people learn about non-organic food risks, has led consumers to choose an organic food store over a supermarket. - 17268

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