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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Is The Grapefruit Diet A Fad Diet

By Cathy Maree

The grapefruit diet is one of the earliest known Hollywood fad diets. It dates back to the 1930s, and many Hollywood stars of the time swore by it. It remained popular until the mid-1970s, when it became one of the diets that was faxed around from machine to machine, popularly known as xerox lore. The diet is attributed to the Mayo Clinic, which clearly states that it has nothing to do with this diet and that the diet is not good.

Originally the grapefruit diet was an Atkins style diet that added one half grapefruit before each meal. There was no cheating on this diet only three meals a day and no in between meals snacks. The diet made astounding claims such as lose a pound each day for 10 days.

The distribution was just as far fetched no weight loss for four days then five pounds lost all on the fifth day. It was based on the claim that grapefruit contains some form of fat burning enzymes, something that has never been proven medically.

In 2004 it was proven that the diet may work. 1/2 grapefruit with each meal helped people lose 3.6 pounds in only 12 weeks. Drinking the juice from the grapefruit led to only slightly less weight loss. Some people in the study lost as much as 10 pounds in the 12 week period.

It was believed that eating grapefruit resulted in decreased insulin levels, which in turn resulted in less stored fat. But the weight loss may have also been due to increased levels of exercise.

Here's a typical grapefruit diet:

- Drink eight servings of water a day. - Stop eating when you feel full. - Eat all the listed foods at each meal, don't skip food as it interferes with fat burning. - The catalyst to the whole process is grapefruit, so don't cut it. - Drink only up to 1 cup of coffee at meals. - No snacking before or after meals. - You can have Butter that is OK. - No starches or sweets can be eaten. - Meat and vegetables are fine. - It's important to eat into you're full because the more you eat the more you will lose. - Skip two days between each 12 day diet period. - Eat one half grapefruit, or drink 18 ounce glass of grapefruit, at each meal time.

Now you can go try the grapefruit diet. - 17268

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