Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fat Loss With The Truth About Abs - My Review, And Why I Think It Will Work

By Eva Waters

There is a ton of information written in the field of health and fitness, and a lot of it is simply hyped up empty promises promising you can 'lose fat fast', or 'get ripped abs in 14 days'. Well, I hate to tell you, but no matter how much reading and purchasing you do, you are never going to find a miracle shortcut to a fit lean body. BUT, I am HAPPY to tell you that among all the hype, there is some actual sound fitness and diet advice out there, and if you are willing to put the effort in, then following the proper plan WILL bring results.

While the book by Mike Geary, "The Truth About Abs", is branded as a manual to creating 6 pack abs, it's really much more of a lifestyle manual. The Truth About Abs is an easy to follow guide to changing how you eat and how you exercise in order to achieve the results you have always dreamed of. Mike's 161 page book is broken down into 3 broad sections which are as follows:

1. Introduction, important information on what it means to be lean, factors affecting your metabolism, a review of body fat percentage, training your abs, and lean vs fat body mass.

2. Effective workout plans, information about more efficient ways to exercise, what multi-joint vs single joint exercises mean, as well as a collection of total body work outs. An explanation of why your current cardio program IS NOT helping you lose weight the way you expected; and

3. Diet and Nutrition, including information on blood sugar and insulin, the Glycemic Index, and the thermic (calorie burning) effects of food.

The workout schedules are easy to follow and don't take up much of your time. The Truth About Abs training program is broken down into two sections that include Interval training and Resistance and Weight training. Mike suggests that anything longer then 45-60 minutes per session is not a good use of your time. He breaks down his training program into 45-60 minute session, 3-4 times per week.

This amount of excercise should be easy to fit into your schedule if you are serious about drastically changing your body tone and getting in shape. The best thing about this program is that you don't really need a gym or equipment, but the recommended set of equipment can be purchased for $30-40 - a set of dumbells and an exercise ball is all you need to do the programs set out in the Truth About Abs program.

This program advises eating 5-6 smaller meals per day. Mike suggests eating every 3 hours during waking hours. He also suggests that you plan your meals for an entire week, and once per week go shopping only for the items you need for those meals.

Beyond planned, smaller and more frequent meals The Truth About Abs explains how to calculate your daily caloric intake requirements, and use that as a guide line for what we should eat. This section is really enlightening. You can eat regular and tasty meals and still lose weight. I can assure you that this is not a salad diet. In fact, there is an entire section of this book which explains why crash diets actually cause weight gain.

Mike provides meal plans that are easy to shop for, easy to make and very satisfying. These meal plans provide you with more than enough food and you are unlikely to experience any hunger pains. However, you need to be disciplined with yourself and follow the recommended diet plans. One of the first things the book says is: "The nutrition section of this book is vitally important to your success. Let me state this loud and clear... if all you focus on is your training, and your diet is full of junk, you WILL NOT see results! You need to apply BOTH the training strategies as well as the nutrition strategies if you want to make this work."

If you're like me, you've procrastinated on starting a real plan for losing weight for a long time. Mike's program was just the incentive I needed to get started, and he provides so much information and detailed workout and meal plans, it was a lot easier to stick with my goals. - 17268

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