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Monday, May 18, 2009

How a Proper Diet Can Help You Get Rid of Gout

By Yvonne Horner

Being overweight is a common factor in most gout patients. A big reason for the connection between the two is diet. High purine foods are a major contributing factor to gout. Many of these same high purine foods are not healthy and aid in weight gain.

Lowering your intake of high purine foods goes to the heart of the problem. Many high purine foods are high in fat and deter your ability to lose weight effectively. Common high purine foods are hamburgers, hot dogs, and bacon. We all know these foods would never make a list of foods to help you improve your health. Decrease your amount of these foods or better yet, eliminate them altogether.

If you drink a lot of pop, you should consider giving up this habit. Pop makes it more likely that you will get a gout attack. This is because pop decreases your hydration and makes it so that your kidneys don't work as well. Your kidneys play a major role in helping you to get rid of this painful disease, so decrease your soda intake.

Diet Sodas are not helpful in getting rid of weight. They also do not help with gout. They can decrease hydration and some health studies show that they are worse than drinking normal sodas. Water is a much better alternative. Water is easier on your kidneys and does a better job helping you get rid of excess uric acid.

Canadian studies have shown that coffee actually can help treat gout. The old theory was coffee dehydrates so don't drink it, but the latest studies show that drinking 4 cups of coffee a day can lower uric acid by up to fifty percent. Decaffeinated coffee also lowered uric acid if you are concerned with avoiding caffeine. Organic coffee would be a great option. It is more expensive, but you avoid all the potentially harmful chemical additives.

You don't have to make wholesale changes all at once. In fact, this usually proves disastrous to long term health as most people quit due to the difficulty of making large lifestyle changes in a short time. A very easy goal to reach is one pound a week.

Lowering your risk for disease whether it is gout or heart disease can be accomplished if you take small steps. While you won't see immediate improvement you will be more likely to keep on course to long term health. Your kidneys will reward you by working more productively which will reduce your risk of getting gout attacks.

Eating a healthy diet will not only help you in losing extra weight, but can help you get rid of gout. Many of the foods we take for granted such as most fruits, can actually help you beat the symptoms and causes of this painful arithritic disease. - 17268

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