Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, May 30, 2009

How to Easily Control Your Expanding Waistline with Common Sense

By Thong M. Dao

There's no magic bullet or quick fix diet plans to go about it. When you get right down to it, heaping your body with essential nutrients is still the key to effective weight control.

If you're giving over 100% effort, to consume only healthy foods and exercise and yet are unable to reach your weight loss goal, I would recommend you to see your doctor. You may have a problem absorbing food properly. Your doctor may have to assist you with medication.

Let's turn to the average weight-challenged individual, though. Many people grappling with excess pounds lament that though they start out well and stick to good diet plans, they end up feeling deprived soon enough and succumb to food cravings, ending up where they started.

How do we handle these problems? Natural medicine and nutrition experts believe the body can be trained to realize when you are actually hungry for food vs. to eat just to eat. The trick is to figure out how to suppress our appetite, especially at gather, like cookouts. As soon as you can distinguish actual hunger from desire, you will be well on your way to trimming body fat.

Nutrition experts suggest a few tips and reminders, too, to empower people to handle their `weighty' issues well. These include:

1. Increase metabolism

2. Becoming aware of how your body is absorbing nutrients and other body conditions

3. Exercise regularly, with no ifs, ands or buts.

4. Consume well-balanced meals; fruits and vegetables, and low glycemic index foods. This will curb your appetite and assist your weight loss. Keep in mind you need to consume foods that are healthy.

There are many different weight loss programs available. However, many people will try a quick fix which we call fads. Stay away! Do not waste your time and money. Remember to consume healthy foods (fruits, vegetables, protein, and dairy) not junk food (cakes, drive-thru window hamburger & fries).

Omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods like salmon, mackerel and herring likewise aid overweight people who follow a weight loss program (that includes exercise) achieve greater control over blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Other food sources that are known to promote weight loss include green tea extract (but check with your doctor for the right dosage lest it create iron deficiency) which offers the same kind of calorie-burning effect as hot pepper. There is also virgin coconut oil, a few tablespoons of which can contribute to flavorful meals and overall health in the long run. - 17268

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