Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, May 31, 2009

How Your Weight Lifting Program Will Grow Your Muscles

By Wakelin Smith

An appropriate weight lifting program is essential if you are working towards attaining the goal of any muscle builder - seeking to build his muscle mass. A good weight lifting program entails putting together a program that will bring about the desired result. This means that a muscle lifter should not simply go into the gym and throw weights around. Rather, he should have a specific routine to follow. Specifically, lifting weights involve weight training programs that are based on the proper science and tested techniques. Here is a sample workout program that uses a variety of weight exercises.

At present, there are two competing methods on weight training. The first one involves going through intense workouts. So it goes by the name HIT- high intense training. In this type of workout, a bodybuilder will only go through 1-3 sessions a week because this is a more physically difficult workout. But considering that this calls for fewer frequencies then he works out his full body or all of his muscle groups in each of the session. As a result, he stays longer at the gym during every workout day because he needs to do more types of weight exercises to ensure that he trains all of the relevant muscle groups. Moreover, this type of training calls for more reps. So it needs around 8-12 repetitions or reps per set. Also, every workout needs to wants to raise the strength of the muscles.

Stand with feet together, holding onto a bar or wall for balance. Step back about 3-4 feet and bend both knees, lowering into a lunge. Do not allow front knee to bend over the toe. Push back to starting position and repeat. Try not to push with the back foot - use front leg to pull your back leg in. Lie on a step, bench or floor with weights a few inches above the chest, elbows even with bench. Keeping abs tight, exhale and push arms up overhead - keeping weights a few inches apart. Don't lock elbows. Lower back to start and repeat.

Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, weights in front of thighs. Keeping back flat and abs in, tip from the hips and lower torso towards the floor, keeping hands close to legs, shoulders back. Squeeze through glutes and hamstrings to raise back up. All movement is from the hips. Do NOT round the back. Bend over, with torso parallel to floor or at 45 degree angle, abs in and knees slightly bent. Bend arms and bring elbows towards ribcage, contracting the muscles of the outer back. Lower arms and repeat.

Holding on to a chair for balance, bend right knee to 90 degrees. Keeping body upright, lift bent leg straight up until it's parallel to the floor. Slowly lower back to start and repeat on each leg. For added resistance, use 1-5 lb ankle weights or a resistance band. Stand with feet hip-width apart and bend at the waist until back is parallel to floor. Pull the elbows up next to torso. Keeping elbows static, straighten arms by contracting triceps. Lower and repeat.

It is not enough to just lift a weight. It is important to explode with it, that is, raise it as fast as you can while still retaining control. This is also known as speed-strength conditioning, and it has great influence on power, endurance, and metabolism. It is important to be warned though, this training style will easily drain you like never before.

Lastly, a weight lifting program involves the fundamentals of a science. As such, it involves proper form and execution. Any weight lifter must approach it with precision and care. Otherwise, the time he spends in the gym comes to naught. It is important that he goes through the program with this in mind if he seeks to be successful in transforming his body into the muscle buff he desires that it becomes. - 17268

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