Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, June 20, 2009

3- Day Cardiac Diet for Fast and Easy Weight Loss

By Patsie Adams

If you want to lose weight fast and easy, a good program to try is the 3-day Cardiac Diet. It was supposedly developed to help cardiac patients trim down quickly prior to heart surgery. This is why it is sometimes referred to as the Birmingham Hospital Diet.

Like the popular Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic Diets, this program also calls for meals that are generally high on protein and low on carbohydrates. These different diets are all variations on this theme, but their sole purpose is to make you lose weight fast.

You should note, however, the hospitals do not officially endorse these 3-day diets for the public. Still, many do claim to have tried these diets and they say they work.

The 3-day cardiac diet we are talking about specifically limits calorie intake while calling for a high protein diet of lean meat and plenty of servings of vegetables. While lacking on carbohydrates, it is still a nutrient dense diet with all that meat and vegetables you are supposed to eat.

Make sure you do not go beyond the Cardiac Diet's 3-day limit. You will eventually need to put those carbs back into your meals. The 3-day plan is also stringently low on calories so it is bad for your health to continue longer on such little food intake.

For breakfast on each of the three days, the focus is getting ample protein along with some fats. The usual meal consists of about half a cup of water-packed tuna or cottage cheese. Add to this two eggs cooked in your preferred style - but without any added cheese or dairy.

This gives you a good mix of protein and fat, which are important for keeping hunger down and giving you the materials you need to keep your muscles strong. Under no circumstances should you skip breakfast or not eat the full amount. You may have coffee or tea with it, but make sure not to use sweeteners or any dairy products.

Lunch will be a mixture of tuna and salad. On the first two days, you may have a half a cup of water packed tuna, and a generous serving of salad. Keep in mind, though, that the salad must be all vegetables - no cheese or croutons. Make sure to use olive oil as your dressing, and you can indulge a bit with the olive oil since you need the good fats for proper metabolism. On the third day, you may increase your protein in the form of tuna - to a full cup.

Dinner is when you will be eating your portion of lean meat for the day. Just make sure it is not breaded or slathered on with sauce. Your choice meat must be accompanied by a serving of two kinds of vegetables. These must be served steamed and flavored with some butter. Don't skip the butter, but do skip any additional sauce.

Carbohydrates are a no no. Starchy foods like bread, pasta or potatoes are not allowed on the 3-Day Cardiac Diet. This is a crucial reason behind the easy weight loss achieved in the meal plan.

It is also important to drink at least 64 ounces of water each day. Follow everything prescribed and in just three days you'll see a big difference. It is for only three short days so might as well stay with it.

So that's how to achieve quick, easy weight loss. But remember, it does not end here. To keep the pounds from coming back, eat sensibly, exercise regularly. - 17268

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