Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How To Not Exercise While Losing Flabby Upper Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

It is possible to lose flabby upper arms without having to step on a treadmill for hours on end. Is this statement really true? Absolutely.

They key is to practice the most effortless type of fat loss in existence. No, I'm not talking about surgery. I'm talking about spontaneous fat loss.

Instead, it focuses on manipulating the tools you eat with (spoons, bowls, glasses), the environment you eat in and the types of foods you eat. And the arm fat melts away without any conscious effort on your part.

How do you spontaneously lose fat? Well, here are 4 things you can start doing today so that the flabby upper arms are gone by tomorrow:

1. Consume foods with labels from undesirable locations. Now you have to be a little flexible here but it's worth it. A very interesting study showed that people who were given an alcoholic beverage with a label from an undesirable location, ate 500 fewer calories during a meal.

2. Stick with slow digesting carbohydrates. Studies have shown that obese teenage boys will eat 621 fewer calories per meal if they've had slow digesting carbs earlier in the day. The slowest digesting carbohydrates on the planet are legumes and vegetables.

3. Consume salad before dinner. Have 1.5-3 cups of salad before dinner. Studies have shown that restaurant goers eat 100 fewer calories per meal when given salad beforehand. Be careful with the dressing, though.

4. Have unsaturated fat, not saturated fat. Unsaturated fat is horrible for your body and it makes you eat more too. People who have olive oil instead of butter eat 200 fewer calories per meal at a restaurant.

Ok, you are one step closer to getting rid of those flabby upper arms. And if you take action on the advice I have given you, you'll be many steps closer to getting rid of the arm flab. Good luck! - 17268

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