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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Muscle Building Tips to Achieve the Desired Results After Your Workouts

By Ricardo d Argence

Weight training and muscle building aren't just great for bodybuilders. They should be important parts of any person's healthy exercise routine. Whether you're working out to get healthy or to improve the definition of your muscles, the tips below will help you reach your goal.

Raise your Protein: Protein is an important part of this balanced breakfast, especially for building your muscles. Lacking the right amount of protein, you won't build up any muscle regardless of how much effort you put into the whole thing.

However, the question has always been how much is enough? The problem is that many of the best protein sources, such as milk and red meat, are also high in fat which you don't want.

The one cardinal rule for any bodybuilder that is really dedicated is to eat one gram of protein for every pound of body weight. This entails that if your total weight is 170 lbs, then you must eat 170 grams of protein each day to generate adequate muscle mass. If the fat content is an issue you could opt for other low fat protein sources like fish and even chicken instead of consuming red meat.

Allow Recovery Time. Some exercise and weight lifting buffs almost become addicted to working out. You can see them in the gym almost daily doing their routines. While that dedication may seem impressive, they could be doing their bodies more harm than good.

The reason is that medical research is showing that building muscle isn't all about the exercise. You also have to give your muscles a chance to recover after straining them in this way. That recovery includes taking days off between training sessions, replacing fluids after workouts, and eating well-balanced meals with sufficient nutrients.

Make sure that you get adequate sleep. Though sleeping might seem like a waste of time, your ability to gain muscle mass depends on it. Most of the bodily functions that need to occur will occur while you're sleeping!

The reason is simple: your body can redirect energy resources to these other tasks because it's not being used for anything else. One of those processes is protein synthesis which is necessary for muscle development.

If you're only sleeping a few hours every night, you're not giving your body enough time to do the work it needs to complete. Make sure to sleep for at least eight hours every night.

Use Compound Movements. Compound movements, such as lifting weights, are going to build muscle faster than other types of exercises which target isolated muscle groups, such as squats.

However, you need to know how to lift properly in order to receive the expedited muscle building benefits. Basically, what you need to do is choose weights to lift that feel heavy for you.

By no means does this mean that you should grab the heaviest weights on the rack. This only means that you should feel your muscles functioning every single time that you lift your weight. You need to benefit from your efforts, and in order to do that you need to pick the weight that is right for you. If you're just starting out, you might have to use a 20 pound weight whereas others may go a lot heavier. It all depends on the weight lifer. - 17268

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