Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, June 22, 2009

Easy Ways To Lose Weight Fast With Fat Burning Foods

By Chloe Bishop

Are "fat burning foods" for real or is just another myth?

In order to process the foods that we eat, our bodies require energy. This energy is called the thermic effect of food. Some foods have higher thermic effect - i.e., they require more energy to be digested and metabolized. If the thermic effect exceeds the energy acquired from consuming that food, then you have a fat-burning food there.

So yes there are such wonderful things as fat burning foods! Hooray!

Here Ill discuss the top 5 fat burning foods and show you tips and tricks on easy ways to lose weight fast with them.

Top 5 Fat Burning Foods:

1. Organic Vegetables

Low in calories, high in water content, but packed full of fiber and vital nutrients, vegetables are the ultimate fat burning foods. The high water and fiber content make you feel fuller for longer, help to burn fat, and help in the digestion and elimination processes.

Easy Ways to Lose Weight with Vegetables:

Try to have a colorful plate in every meal. Don't just eat your "greens" - have your reds, oranges, yellows, purples and whites, too!

Munch on raw carrot, cucumber and celery sticks and bite into some tomatoes as a healthy snack.

During every mealtime, always choose vegetables over simple carbohydrates like white pasta or white noodles.

2. Fresh Fruits

Fruit is the Ultimate Fast Food! Fruits are so good you can practically have as much as you want without counting calories. Citrus fruits are especially good for assisting fat metabolism due to the flavones and high Vitamin C content.

You'll benefit the most if you eat fruits in their raw, unprocessed and uncooked state because the nutrients and enzymes will be intact.

Fat Burning Tips:

Ensure theres at last one serving of fruit in your packed lunch every day.

Fruits are great to have as energy-boosting snacks because of their natural sugars and high water content.

Have a fresh smoothie of your favorite fruits as a mid day pick-me-up or as breakfast. Yep, ditch the coffee, sodas, pancakes or fry ups.

3. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are rich in good fats, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, protein and fiber. They help burn fat because they aid in maintaining a good level of fat burning hormones.

A report by The Journal of Nutrition stated that eating nuts regularly help decrease body fat levels. The high content of calcium and protein in Nuts and seeds also regulate blood sugar levels. The fiber keep you full for longer and curb the appetite.

Fat Burning Tips:

Substitute your butter by using organic cashew butter or almond butter. Try them - they're actually nice!

Add a small handful of nuts or seeds to your salads and snacks. Go for the unsalted ones!

4. Green Tea

Green tea truly lives up to its reputation as a health drink. It helps in fat burning because it contains caffeine, polyphenols and catechins which boost your metabolism.

Ways to Lose Weight Fast with Green Tea:

Replace sodas, coffee, black tea, juice (from concentrate) and energy drinks with Green tea.

Try Iced green tea and keep some in the fridge for easy access. Sweeten with a natural sweetener and add a lemon or lime slice.

5. Lean Meats and Seafood

Protein have a higher thermic effect so they help you burn more calories. But not all protein sources are created equal. The trick here is to have low fat protein sources like:

Lean, skinless meat

Fish - Those rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are ideal, like salmon, herring and mackerel

Egg whites

I personally prefer fish over lean meats because they have less total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol than meat and poultry, plus many of them are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Some studies have shown that Omega 3s may help lower blood fats (triglycerides) and thus help reduce risk of cardiac death.

Fat burning Tips:

Prepare these foods using low fat cooking methods (grill, steam or bake them instead of frying).

Avoid having your meats or seafood with fatty condiments, dips and sauces as this defeats the whole purpose of eating lean meat.


Some foods make you fat, some foods BURN fat. If you're trying to lose fat healthily, it makes sense to eat more fat burning foods.

The 5 fat burning foods listed here are fruits, vegetables, lean meats and fish, nuts and seeds, and green tea.

Most people are looking for easy ways to lose weight fast, but eating more and more fat burning foods prepared in the right way as a lifestyle (not just a diet) is one of the easiest and fastest way to lose weight healthily and permanently. - 17268

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