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Monday, June 15, 2009

The Mysterious Fountain Of Youth From Diet

By Karen Lynch

Persons have long searched for the indefinable fountain of youth. Many have longed for the sensation cure that would immobilize all of the ordinary deterioration of aging. It may be unexpected to some but the fact is that we have had it all along.

To stop the progress of the standard declines linked with aging, one may have to look no further than the local supermarket, health food store or farmers market. Research now indicates that as much as 85% of all age-related illnesses can be avoided through outstanding nutrition and a good for you diet. A exceedingly healthful diet can prevent the predictable decay that is associated with aging.

Many of the top superfoods that can decelerate the deterioration of aging are foods that people have been eating for millennia. Some of these foods have been staple items in parts of the world and one of these foods has such a interesting saga that at one time it was practically completely avoided because it was believed to be fatal.

Berries show up on almost every list of superfoods because they are one of the healthiest foods ever found in nature. Berries are rich in the pigment that makes them the dark purple and dark red colors. This pigment is actually a sturdy flavonoid antioxidant called anthocyanins. The acai berry that is grown only in the rainforest in Brazil has the highest antioxidant capability as measured on the ORAC scale of any particular food. This little berry has been a staple food for the citizens of the area and throughout history it has provided as much as 45% of their nutritional regime.

Tomatoes are high in nutrients that can prevent the decline of aging. Tomatoes are abounding in lycopene, which is a robust antioxidant. Lycopene assists in the deterrence of heart disease by protecting the blood vessels from oxidative damage. Lycopene has also been established to avert certain types of cancer, including lung cancer and prostate cancer. Amazingly, the tomato is in reality more healthful when it is processed and heated, such as in spaghetti sauce, than when it is raw. Adding a healthy fat such as olive oil also boosts the nutrition because it is fat-soluble.

The tomato has an interesting saga as back in the 1500's most Europeans thought that the tomato was toxic because most of the flatware at the time was made out of pewter, which has a high lead contents. High acid foods such as the tomato would cause lead to leech out into the food, which resulted in lead poisoning and loss of life. The poorer people, who ate off from wooden flatware of course, did not have the same problem and as a result only the impoverished people of the day ate tomatoes.

Look for colors when you look for anti-aging foods. Greens, such as spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, dandelion greens, Swiss chard and more are exceptionally nutritious. Orange foods like pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes should be integrated. And beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, Tea, red wine and dark chocolate are also fantastic foods to thwart the tribulations of aging.

The elusive fountain of youth has been with us all along. We just need to incorporate more of the natural, good for you and whole foods that nature has provided us with and remove the processed and fake foods that are so common in our diets. - 17268

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