Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Washington, DC Weight Loss Expert Reveals 4 Weight Loss Myths

By Josef Brandenburg

There will never be a shortage of individuals that claim to possess the knowledge we all need to drop a great deal of body fat. This is understandable as there will never be a shortage of people looking for answering to their weight gain woes. That is why you see so many Washington, DC weight loss services. People are always on the lookout for a reliable trainer that can help them drop weight. Unfortunately, whether you are looking for Washington, DC weight loss advice or looking for it anywhere else in the world, the sad fact remains there are a number of myths floating around regarding how one should go about losing weight. Many of these myths have grown into conventional wisdom. That is why it is important to dispel some of these myths are return proper focus to weight loss goals.

Myth 1: One of the most basic diets for decades that is a poor concept is the high carb, low fat diet. It is a diet based mostly on limiting calories and it is overflowing with problems. That is to say, if the carbs you take in are not burnt up, they will turn to fat fast! That is why it is important to decrease carb intake when you want to lose weight.

Myth 2: The best way to drop weight is to keep track of your calories. Although it is important not to eat in excess, too much importance is given to counting calories. The ability to keep an exact count of calories is not the easiest thing to do, making this method unrealistic and also the composition of calories is not taken into account. Is eating lean protein really that bad?

Myth 3: You will eventually lose a huge amount of weight in a years time, if you reduce a small amount of calories from your daily diet. For instance, you will lose 20lbs a year, if you cut out 200 calories from your diet per day. As a matter of fact, if this was true then no one would need the help of the Washington, DC weight loss services and they would go out of business. The truth of the matter is you have to watch what you eat. 200 calories of fat will not cause as much harm as 200 calories of carbs. Therefore it is far more important for you to consider the composition of your calories rather than the amount of calories.

Myth 4: Those who are heavier than average are so because of a character defect. This myth is very petty. A Washington, DC weight loss expert has worked with all types of clients and is aware of different reasons why people maybe overweight. A basic lack of understanding of what a weight loss program is about is the most common reason. It has nothing to do with being weak willed or lacking self-control.

Hence it is imperative to seek the services of weight training professionals with an advanced understanding of exercise and nutrition. They will unmask the truth about the deceptive myths that you have heard and will help you lose weight the right way. - 17268

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