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Thursday, July 30, 2009

4 Reasons For Trying Blue Light Acne Treatment

By Jason Cartwright

Since acne vulgaris is the most widely held skin condition, have you ever considered blue light acne treatment? Though not life-threatening, acne can be disadvantageous to teenage and adult skin and can damage the self-image of the acne victim.

Caused by the extreme frequency of acne, there are more acne cure treatment solutions than ever known to man. The practice of dermatology has developed into being vastly specialized and there are scores of cosmetic dermatologists operating at the moment to not only help cure acne but furthermore to cosmetically remove acne and acne scars.

It is known as photodynamic therapy or blue light acne treatment. An acne patient lies or sits down in front of a special light for roughly 15 to 30 minutes, every week for three to eight weeks straight, until the acne is removed. It works by focusing a blue light-wave which zaps bacteria known to cause acne.

A topical gel called Levulan might moreover be applied in tandem with acne light treatment. Levulan will cause the skin to turn pink and crust though it is also assumed to help in the whole reduction of acne and acne scars. Blue light therapy has been round since the 1970s, although as an acne treatment it is a recent addition to cosmetic dermatology practice.

So why should you use blue light acne treatment?

Blue light acne treatment is still relatively new and the long-term side-effects are not known. Though, there are a lot of immediate benefits to this class of skin therapy.

The first is that patients can choose a blue light acne treatment clinic instead of other therapies which have known side effects. Antibiotics are commonly prescribed to control acne but long-term use can cause patients to become resistant to antibiotics in general, putting them at risk of infection. Accutane is a further acne medication which can cause severe depression, suicidal ideation, and birth defects. Women of child-bearing age using Accutane must have monthly pregnancy tests.

Secondly, with blue light acne treatment, you do not have to worry about sticking to a regimen of applying lotions or taking medication.

Number three - it is also a great option for people who have had no luck with another acne cure treatment. So if your body struggles with acne lotions or medications, you have more options available.

Fourthly, light acne treatment can now be used at home. These inexpensive kits can help treat your acne from the comfort of your home. However, these kits are not as potent as professional blue light treatment, so their effectiveness is still unknown.

Blue light acne treatment is only one of the many acne cures available. Before you waste money and risk your health trying antibiotics or various treatments, it is always best to try a natural cure for acne first. - 17268

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