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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Back Excercises Will Be A Central Fixture Of Your Exercise Routine

By Eric Normand

When working out, a lot of people forget about one of the most important muscle groups in their entire body: their back muscles. The muscles of the back are part of the body's core and strengthening these muscles through regular back exercises offers many benefits to those who perform them. The back muscles support the movements made by the body and when you have a strong back, your entire body becomes stronger and more flexible.

Additionally, a strong back will be much less prone to injury and proper exercise will enhance the strengthening of the back muscles. As such, it is always a wise idea to integrate a number of back exercises into your regular workout regimen. In general, there are four areas that back exercises can greatly improve. These four areas are as follows:


Our bodies naturally have a much wider range of motion than you may think. We lose a lot of our natural flexibility because we don't tend to use it as much as we could; for example, by spending our days sitting in one place in our offices.

By using regular back exercises, stretching and proper strength training, you can regain this lost flexibility and enjoy the wide range of natural flexibility which we inherently possess.


Relaxation is different from flexibility, though many people associate them. They can both be achieved with slow stretching exercises. Relaxation is the ability to reduce the number of nerve impulses that are sent to your muscles. What I'm referring to is the ability to consciously relax, independent of stretching.

When you learn to relax your muscle groups, you can relax one and allow the opposing muscle groups to conserve energy and work a little less hard. This allows this muscle group to work for a longer stretch of time without becoming exhausted. Back exercises, of course are particularly good for relaxing the muscles of the back which can relieve back pain and allow your entire body to perform more efficiently.


When you work out a muscle group, the muscles become stronger. So, when you engage in regular back exercises, you will discover your strength increasing significantly. Some may wonder what the benefits to increased strength may be if one is not looking to perform heavy lifting. The reason is that anytime you perform any activity you will need to use some form of strength.

There is basically no kind of lifting which doesn't rely on the back muscles, since they are engaged when almost any muscle group is called into use. When you strengthen your back muscles, all of your lifting becomes less difficult "and when you strengthen your back, you reduce the strain all around and significantly reduce the potential for injury to occur.

Body Awareness

One of the less appreciated benefits of back exercises is their ability to promote a great understanding of body awareness. That is, you become much more noticeable of aches, pains, strain, and stress. Through being more aware of these problems, you will be able to take the proper steps needed to deal with them if a problem arises.

If you want to become stronger, more flexible and enjoy better health and well being all around, back exercises are a necessity. Any exercise program should include back exercises to support your strength, improve your range of motion and ensure better health. - 17268

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