Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, August 22, 2009

4 Benefits Of High Carb Diets For Losing Bingo Wings

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Are you having a hard time picking the right diet to get rid of bingo wings? If so, you are not alone. After all, even government officials are having a hard time figuring out the best nutritional approach for losing fat.

Combine this will all the marketing lies out there and you have a recipe for mass confusion. And confusion is not good if you want fast results.

Now if the government officials are confused and the savvy marketers are creating confusion, how are you supposed to find the holy arm fat grail? If only life were a walk in the park

Luckily for you, I've already done all the homework. I can save you endless amounts of headaches and dead ends.

So without further ado, here are 4 benefits of high carbohydrate diets for losing bingo wings:

1. Lots of energy. Your active tissues (brain, muscle, organs, etc) prefer carbohydrates as their main energy source. If you eat properly balanced meals while going high carb, your energy levels should be really high.

2. You can satisfy your carbohydrate cravings. Carbohydrates are addictive. This has been proven time and again by research. And with a high carbohydrate diet, you don't have to suffer carb withdrawal.

3. Toned arm muscles. One of the drawbacks of high protein diets is an instant loss in definition. Why? Because without carbs your arm muscles become deflated and empty looking. With a steady stream of carbs, your arm muscles retain their toned appearance.

4. Longer and harder workouts. Your muscles can work harder and recover faster when fed a steady stream of carbohydrates. Why? Because they can produce a lot more ATP.

Despite all the benefits of high carb diets, they still have one fatal flaw: high levels of insulin. It's very hard to keep insulin low when eating so many carbs. And insulin regulates how much arm fat you can lose. Thus, if you're looking to get rid of those bingo wings ASAP, then high carb diets are probably not for you. So ignore the outdated food pyramid and stick to a moderate carb plan. Only then will you reach sexy arm success! - 17268

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